BBC Countryfile viewers left fuming over 'horrendous' segment

Countryfile fans took to social media after watching the latest episode of the BBC show as Joe Crowley investigated how high groundwater is overloading sewage infrastructure.

Countryfile: Joe discusses sewage scandal

BBC Countryfile fans were left gobsmacked after hearing about how river pollution was being caused in some parts of the countryside. During the episode, presenter Joe Crowley investigated how high groundwater is overloading sewage infrastructure.

He said that discharged sewage went into our rivers last year for 3.5 million hours in England, according to the Environment Agency. Joe also explained that during wet winters, the sewage treatment works sometimes can't always cope when pipes crack or burst.

This meant that pollution is dumped in our rivers, such as the River Chess in Buckinghamshire. A farmer, Paul Jennings, spoke to Joe after becoming concerned about pollution.

Fans of the show were so horrified that they took to social media to have their say. One person reacted: "This is horrendous. The Environment Agency need to get their act together. #countryfile."

A second commented: "Well done #Countryfile for highlighting shortcomings in the #EnvironmentalAgency wrt sewage mismanagement in privatised water. THIS is something the govt can effect!"

BBC Countryfile

BBC fans were left horrified over the sewage scandal (Image: BBC)

A third typed: "#countryfile @BBCCountryfile is doing a VERY good job showing how BAD @EnvAgency actually is. They have been COLLUDING with the polluters and covering up the reported incidents. #ShameOnYou The Environment Agency is NOT fit for purpose. It needs to be closed and replaced NOW."

A fourth person said: "#countryfile wonderful how water companies want to indicate that dealing with sewage has to be either into rivers or back into homes……more investment into infrastructure and stop the pollution. It’s a national disgrace."

During one segment, Paul goes into the river to fish out some random pieces of plastic and paper, saying it was "revolting". He also said that for the past 11 weeks, untreated sewage water has been polluting the river and has shown a distinct change in colour.

Joe asked about sewage fungus, to which Paul said that it takes weeks to form. They both looked at a sewage map, which indicates that sewage discharge is taking place and that it was "happening in plain sight".

He added that ground water levels have risen as a result of the recent wet winter, leading to the sewage pipes delivering a huge volume of water which cannot cope. Joe then says: "So, a wet winter essentially exposes the failure of the sewage system?"

According to the BBC, sewage spills into England's rivers and seas by water companies more than doubled in 2023. It has risen from 1.75 million hours to 3.6 million last year.

Countryfile can be streamed on BBC iPlayer.

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