Tolstoy's Moscow fun

When it comes to which city in Europe has the best social scene, forget London, Paris and Rome.

According to author and explorer Countess Alexandra Tolstoy, Moscow beats the rest.

After residing for three years in Oxfordshire with her husband Shamil Galimzyanov, a showjumper from Uzbekistan, the great-grand-niece of the iconic author of War And Peace returned to live in Russia last January and has no regrets about the move, claiming that Muscovites throw the most elegant parties.

“The Moscow social scene is much more exciting and glamorous,” said the writer and host of the Stolichnaya Russian New Year celebration at Harvey Nichols Fifth Floor Bar. For example, how I dress for dinner there is different from how I would dress here in London.”

The 34-year-old socialite added: “I do enjoy them both in different ways. But I spend three months of the year in England so I don’t have to time to miss it.”

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