You could save around £112 a year on your energy bills thanks to online tool

Britons could save around £112 annually on their household energy bill thanks to a new online tool.

By Patrick O'Donnell, Personal Finance reporter with more than two years of experience specialising in UK and US-based money, retirement and savings news.

Smart Energy shares tips for reducing energy bills

This cost-cutting method for gas and electricity can be found through Nesta’s Money Saving Boiler Challenge tool. The online tool is considered so useful that the Government has included it within the “Help for Households” advice on It comes as households are dealing with an unprecedented rise in their energy bills which is contributing to the cost of living crisis.

How can people save £112 on energy bills?

According to research carried out by Nesta, families can cut costs just by changing a single setting featured on their combi boiler.

Households can make it work more efficiently by adjusting the boiler flow settings from 80 to 60 degrees or under.

The innovation agency reports that it is possible to save around £112 a year in energy bills for a typical household.

Earlier this year, Nesta launched the Money Boiler Saving Challenge in a bid to share its advice more publicly.

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Woman thinking

Households could save around £112 a year on energy bills via online tool (Image: GETTY)

Multiple energy suppliers and organisations have partnered with the organisation through its challenge, including Which?, Energy UK, EDF, E.ON Next and Octopus Energy.

Specifically, the Money Boiler Saving Challenge is attempting to get 250,000 people to participate using the agency’s online tool which details how people save money.

As it stands, just over 139,000 have saved cash by using the online tool and turning down their boiler flow temperature.

Nesta’s research suggests that if 10 million households turned down the flow temperature on their combi boilers to 60 degrees or below, £1billion would be slashed from energy bills in the UK.


Despite this, data from the Office for National Statistics reports that only one in 10 people had lowered their flow temperature in the last year.

Katy King, the deputy director of Sustainable Future at Nesta, noted why the online tool is an important lifeline for those looking to cut costs significantly, particularly during the winter months.

Ms King explained: “Many people who are worried about paying their bills this winter will find it reassuring to get advice directly from the Government that could save them around £112.

“We are pleased that the Government is helping to get the message out that lowering combi boiler flow temperature is a simple step that people can take to lower their energy bills by using our tool.

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Energy bills graph

How much do you pay? (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

“Anyone concerned about the cost of living can now go to the Help for Households pages on to find a range of tips on saving energy and getting support.

“If 10 million UK households with combi boilers reset their flow temperature to 60 degrees or below, this would cut people’s bills by a total of £1billion a year.”

When clicking on the online tool, the Money Boiler Saving Challenge asks whether households have a gas boiler or water tank.

If someone has a boiler, the tool will provide instructions on how to lower the temperature to save money.

How much are energy bills rising by?

Pressures in the wholesale gas and electricity market and Putin’s war in Ukraine have pushed peoples’ energy bills to new heights.

As of last month, energy bills have risen by 27 percent on average despite the introduction of the Government’s price guarantee.

The energy price guarantee caps the price per unit of gas and electricity for households with average energy usage.

Under current forecasts, annual energy bills are expected to reach as high as £3,000 by April 2023.

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