DWP claimants to get £900 cost of living payment in 2023 - full list of eligible benefits

Benefit claimants who get support from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) could get an extra £900 in cost of living support next year.

By Patrick O'Donnell, Personal Finance reporter with more than two years of experience specialising in UK and US-based money, retirement and savings news.

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Means-tested benefit payment claimants will be able to get a payment of £900 in 2023 to help with the cost of living crisis. Energy bills are forecast to hit £3,000 next year and inflation recently reached 11.1 percent, a 41-year high. People on low income are more likely to be impacted by this economic downturn with the Government offering support to those who get benefits from the DWP.

In the last year, a similar cost of living payment was rolled out for those on means-tested payments.

However, this amount was £650 and the Government appears to have raised this support in light of the dire economic situation affecting the country.

The previous £650 cost of living payment was separated into two instalments which were awarded at different times of the year.

While little is known about the rollout of its £900 successor, a similar method could be used to administer the payment to eligible benefit claimants in 2023.

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Man reading DWP letter

DWP benefit claimants to get £900 cost of living payment in 2023 (Image: GETTY)

Those in receipt of the following benefit payments from the DWP will be able to claim the Government's £900 cost of living payment:

  • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Income Support
  • Universal Credit
  • Working Tax Credit
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Pension Credit

On top of this support for those on low income, the Government has also confirmed targeted support for other vulnerable groups.

Notably, those with a disability and pensioners will receive cost of living payments worth £150 and £300, respectively.

This is the same amount offered to pensioners and people with disabilities as in 2022, which means these payments are not getting a similar rate boost as the means-tested cost of living payment.

However, the Government has announced extra funding for vulnerable people through the Household Support Fund which will further reach out to those in need.

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Universal Credit explained

Universal Credit is one of the qualifying payments for the £900 (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

During his Autumn Statement, the Chancellor Jeremy Hunt broke down the various cost of living initiatives which are being offered to the nation’s most vulnerable.

Mr Hunt explained: “At the same time, for the most vulnerable we will introduce additional cost of living payments next year, of £900 to households on means-tested benefits; £300 to pensioner households; and £150 for individuals on disability benefit.

“We will also provide an additional £1billion of funding to enable a further twelve-month extension to the Household Support Fund, helping Local Authorities to assist those who might otherwise fall through the cracks.

“And for those households who use alternative fuels such as heating oil and LPG to heat their homes, I am today doubling the amount of support from £100 to £200, which will be delivered as soon as possible this winter.”

Experts have praised the Government’s decision to offer those on low income and benefits a £900 cost of living next year, while noting those eligible will still face financial hardship ahead.

Sarah Coles, a senior personal finance analyst at Hargreaves Lansdown, said: “The rise would be an impossible challenge for those on lower incomes, so the additional support payments from the government are absolutely vital.

“However, even at this level there will still be an enormous number of people facing impossible choices. Across the board we can expect more people to run into real difficulties.

“Given that we will be going through a recession at this point, it means that those who have found it difficult to manage in 2022 could run into a brick wall financially next year.”

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