The TRUTH revealed: Cutting entire food groups out your diet can jeopardise your health

‘HEALTHY diet’ trends which involve entire food groups being cut out are jeopardising our health, according to dietician Dr Sarah Schenker.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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'Healthy diet' fads can be bad for our health

Drastically eliminating foods from our diets comes with risky repercussions according to Dr Schenker. 

Figures show that those who have eliminated an entire food group from their diets have experienced an array of nasty side-effects, with 15 per cent of people experiencing trapped wind. 

A further 30 per cent feel sluggish and lack in energy and 10 per cent experience bad breath. 

According to Dr Schenker, diet changes are also shown to have a detrimental effect on people’s mental state, with 30 per cent stating that it had a negative effect on their emotional frame of mind as they sugared from mood swings and irritability. 

And despite feeling ill, uncomfortable, angry and emotionally vulnerable 81 per cent of those who have cut out a food wold consider doing so again.

Publicised by high profile social media personalities and celebrities we are bombarded with conflicting food fads, where a certain food group is singles out as the principle antagonist in the struggle for healthy nutrition. 

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Many people decide to cut sugar out their diet but don't understand it appears in different forms

New research has shown that almost 60 per cent of people have cut out an entire food group, or seriously considered doing so, because of something they’ve read, with sugar the most common food item people have warned to banish from their diet. 

Dr Schenker said the problem lies with people cutting sugar indiscriminately without appreciating that sugar appears in our diet in different forms. 

Only 26 per cent of people surveyed understood the difference between free sugars, naturally occurring sugars, added sugar and refined sugar. 

It is beyond doubt that reducing our consumption of refined sugars is advisable. But pure fruit juice and fruits contain naturally occurring sugars along with a wealth of essential nutrients and vitamins such as potassium, folate and vitamin C. 

Dr Schenker said: “It sounds like a cliche but as ever the best advice is everything in moderation. Elimination diets rarely produce lasting results and may even have serious negative repercussions on overall health.” 

Tait Miller, a 24-year-old model and chef from Essex, was feeling the pressure to look at his very best on photo shoots, as well as feel energised, so decided to cut carbohydrates from his diet.

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Cutting out carbohydrates can cause mood swings and create hunger pangs

Although he had never been diagnosed with a gluten allergy or intolerance, Tait self-diagnosed because he had read that gluten could be to blame for making him feel lethargic and tired and affecting his gut. 

After three months on a no carbohydrate diet, Tait said he felt noticeably better and believes that cutting this food group out was beneficial to his health. 

But he did experience side effects in the process - he found that his mood was affected, with mood swings and an increased sense of irritability. 

Additionally, he experienced hunger pangs and felt the need to eat more frequently than he had done before. 

Dr Schenker said: “Certainly some people are sensitive to gluten, even if they have not been diagnosed with coeliac disease, and may wish to reduce the amount they consume, but cutting out all carbohydrates is not recommended. 

“There are plenty of naturally gluten free wholegrain options that should included as part of a healthy diet, including brown rice, quinoa and buckwheat (despite the name). 

“These grains provide slow release energy which helps to steady blood sugar levels, control appetite and reduce hanger pangs between meals. 

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Cutting out dairy can also affect your mood in a negative way

“A more even blood sugar is also likely to have a better impact on mood. These grains provide fibre, which is needed for a healthy digestive system and B vitamins which are needed for a number of body processes including the release of energy from food, as well as healthy skin and vision.”

Sophie Devlin, a 26-year-old entrepreneur from London, decided to ditch all dairy produce from her diet in a bid to improve her skin, following advice form a dermatologist. She had also been suffering from a spout of migraines, and having had allergy tests to identify the root of the problem, Sophie discovered that dairy might be the cause. 

Having been a fan of her morning lattes and cheese, Sophie found it tricky to cut dairy out but followed a sensible diet plan given to her by her doctor to slowly phase it out. Since giving up the food group and switching to dairy alternatives, she’s noticed a decrease in her migraines and an improvement in her skin. 

But this was accompanied by dizziness in the first few weeks of cutting dairy. She also found that her mood was affected, feeling more irritable and short tempered than she had previously. 

Dr Schenker said: “It is important to distinguish between an allergy to cow’s milk protein and an intolerance to lactose (the sugar found in milk), as this will have an impact on the different types of foods you may be able to have. For instance, some people who have a cow’s milk protein allergy may also be allergic to the protein in soya milk, so this would not be a good replacement. 

“Whereas people with lactose intolerance are often not able to drink milk, but can include a little cheese or yoghurt in their diets without causing any upset. As dairy products are such an important source of both protein and calcium in the UK diet, it is useful to know which foods you need to avoid and chose suitable alternatives that can contribute to the intakes of these nutrients.” 

This comes after the fatty truth about Christmas sandwiches was revealed. 

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