Steve Miller wants 'Fat Causes Cancer' labels on junk food after obesity linked to disease

STEVE MILLER is calling for fat acceptance to be banned off the back of today’s report stating obesity is strongly linked to cancer - and has recommended a number of shock measures to tackle the problem head on.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

This Morning guest brands Eamonn Holmes 'FAT'

A report published today has linked obesity to 11 types of cancers, meaning millions of overweight Britons are at risk of developing the disease.

The study, published by The BMJ,  found “strong evidence” to support the association between obesity and some of the major types of cancer, consisting mainly of those related to digestive organs and hormone-related malignancies. 

In the light of the news, controversial weight loss guru Steve has amped up the campaign he’s been running over the last few weeks to banish current perceptions surrounding the term ‘big is beautiful’. 

Earlier this year, Steve was slammed for his campaign to make obese NHS staff wear ‘I’m fat’ badges and urging people to realise that “fat acceptance is death acceptance”.

Steve Miller wants 'Fat Causes Cancer' labels on junk foodGETTY

Steve Miller: The weight loss guru has amped up his campaign

Promoting ‘big is beautiful’ (AKA fat and proud) is plainly wrong.

Alongside the NHS staff badges campaign, the presenter of Sky 1 TV show Fat Families also wants to champion restaurants having a warning on their menus, which reads ‘If you are fat, think before ordering’. 

Steve told in February what he believes is causing the nation’s obesity problem. 

“Promoting ‘big is beautiful’ (AKA fat and proud) is plainly wrong,” he said. 

“Endorsing such a mantra opens up the floodgates for millions to potentially suffer severe medical conditions such as type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, cancer and stroke.

Steve Miller wants 'Fat Causes Cancer' labels on junk foodGETTY

Steve Miller: Obesity has been linked to 11 types of cancer

“I like to think most humans are attractive on the inside and I would champion a cause for that. However, how on earth can we endorse overweight as attractive?” 

He says “pussy footing” around and using euphemisms like ‘overweight’ and ‘big boned’ is killing people and the message ‘fat is acceptable’ need to be more clear. 

Reacting to the report published today, Steve has recommended a number of shock measures he believes will tackle the problem head on. 

His first suggestion is junk foods should carry a warning sign that reads ‘Fat Causes Cancer’.

Steve Miller wants 'Fat Causes Cancer' labels on junk foodGETTY

Steve Miller: 'Fat Cayses Cancer' labels on junk food is one of his recommendations

He also believes fat TV presenters should be put on an immediate body improvement notice. 

“These people are often worshipped by the viewers,” he said. “If Tv presenters are fat it’s basically saying ‘yeah it’s ok to be fat!’” 

His suggestions also include a ban on fat acceptance campaigns, as these are “cancer contracting”, dismissals of fat dieticians who are “normalising fat as acceptable”, and “fat” models to be replaced by those who are size 12/14. 

Dairy Milk, Mars bars and Kit Kats could be about to shrink in a bid to tackle child obesity.

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