Weight loss: Are you an emotional eater? Your PARENTS could be to blame

WEIGHT loss can be a struggle, particularly if you’re an emotional eater. Looking at the root of the problem to try and find the solution - did you know your parents could be to blame?

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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Weight loss: Are you an emotional eater?

If you’ve had a bad day do you soothe your stress levels with a tub of ice cream, or treat yourself to an extra large double cheese pizza? It could be that you have been persuaded into this routine by your parents, according to research. 

A study suggests that parents who comforted their children with food, or who emotionally ate themselves, may have, without reloading, taught their children this habit. 

The research, published in Child Development journal, found that the children were likely to adopt this behaviour between the ages of eight and ten. 

Psychologist Corinne Sweet supports this theory. 

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Weight loss: Your eating habits could have a lot to do with your parents

Our parents are our main sourced of habit-formation, in that we copy mummy and daddy (or other care-givers) from an early age.

She said: “When we are small and growing up we watch other people and learn from them. 

“Our parents are our main sourced of habit-formation, in that we copy mummy and daddy (or other care-givers) from an early age. 

“Think of little girls putting on mummy’s big shoes, beads and lipstick…or boys pretending to shave, like daddy. 

“Alongside copying those close to us, and experimenting, is the motional element of habit-formation. 

“We tend to do things over and over, or create a habitual practice, when we feel sad, frightened, fearful, hungry, lonely, bored or any other combination of feelings. 

“We ‘learn’ to comfort ourselves, and to manage our emotions, or push them aside, with things like food and drink.”

Are you stressed, tired, lonely or angry? Identifying your emotions and finding alternative way to deal with them, as opposed to powering your way through the likes of endless crips packets, can help you take back control of your eating habits. 

“This may take effort and time, as we often hand on to what is familiar, but if you stick to it, you will soon be reaping the rewards for a little thoughtful decision-making, retraining and application of willpower - with a little help from your Slissie friend,” explains Corinne. 

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Weight loss: People learn to comfort their emotions with things like food and drink

Slissie is the first of its kind as it delivers curb-craving flavourings that instantly help you resists the temptation of sugary, calorific snacks. 

Once the flavours that contain aromas are detected by your tastebuds and olfactory receipts, messages are sent to the appetite control centres of the brain leaving users feeling their appetite has been satisfied. 

At the press of a button you can taste flavours such as chocolate, vanilla and mint, making your brain think you’ve had that sweet treat. 

Sugar can increase risk of dying from heart disease, suffering from Alzheimer’s and type 2 diabetes, and also trigger weight gain. A food psychologist reveals how to bypass sugar and other cravings. 

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