Salmonella warning: Shoppers urged to check eggs following food poisoning threat

SHOPPERS are being urged to check eggs as part of a product recall as certain batches could contain salmonella contamination. The eggs should be disposed of or returned to the place of purchase.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Salmonella bacteria explained and how to prevent it

Salmonella bacteria could be found in Port Stephens Eggs with a best-before date up to and including June 8, 2019. Consumers have been advised to dispose of the eggs or to return them to where they were bought, where they’ll then be entitled to a full refund. Proof of purchase for the recalled product is not necessary.

Salmonella bacteria could be found in Port Stephens Eggs with a best-before date up to and including June 8, 2019

The eggs are available to buy in 700g free range dozens and 800g jumbo free range dozens from butches as well as independent stores.

The warning has been delivered to Australian shoppers by the NSW Food Authority.

NSW Food Authority chief executive Der Lisa Szabo previously said there has been a higher number of salmonella enteritis (SE) contaminated egg recalls in recent weeks because of a cluster of interconnected forms across the New South Wales state.

“This is one of a number of recent recalls that are related to the detection of this particular organism,” she said.

“SE is a particular strain of Salmonella that we haven’t seen linked to NSW eggs before.

“We are working with the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) to actively target it through increased surveillance and testing, in cooperation with the egg industry. To date we have identified seven affected premises in NSW.”

Salmonella warning: Shoppers urged to check eggs following food poisoning threat

Salmonella warning: Shoppers have been urged to check eggs following a food poisoning threat (Image: GETTY)

Can eggs in the UK carry a salmonella risk?

Salmonellas are a group of common bacteria that cause food poisoning, according to the Food Standards Agency, and can be found in eggs.

The bacteria usually spreads by inadequate cooking and through cross-contamination.

Other foods the salmonella bacteria is most often found in include:

  • Raw meat
  • Undercooked poultry such as chicken or turkey
  • Unpasteurised milk

The government departmental body adds the elderly and people whose immune systems are not working properly have a greater risk of becoming severely ill with food poisoning caused by salmonella.

Salmonella warning: Shoppers urged to check eggs following food poisoning threat

Salmonella warning: Port Stephens Eggs have been recalled by NSW Food Authority (Image: GETTY)

Salmonella warning: Shoppers urged to check eggs following food poisoning threat

Salmonella warning: The bacteria can cause symptoms such as diarrhoea and stomach cramps (Image: GETTY)

Symptoms of food poisoning to watch out for

According to the NHS, symptoms include:

  • Feeling sick (nausea)
  • Diarrhoea
  • Being sick (vomiting)
  • Stomach cramps
  • A high temperature of 38C or above
  • Feeling generally unwell - such as feeling tired or having aches and chills

Symptoms usually pass within a week and can be treated at home. You can also call 111 for advice.

But if any other symptoms occur or symptoms last longer than this, see your GP.

How to avoid food poisoning

The health body also lists 10 ways to prevent food poisoning:

  • Wash your hands
  • Wash worktops
  • Wash dishcloths
  • Use separate chopping boards
  • Keep raw meat separate
  • Store raw meat on the bottom shelf
  • Cook food thoroughly
  • Keep your fridge below 5C
  • Cool leftovers quickly
  • Respect ‘use-by’ dates

Last month, Coronation Street star Kym Marsh revealed she had suspected salmonella poisoning.

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