Mary Berry's delectable lemon and lime cheesecake has an added twist - recipe

Bring the wow factor the next time guests come over with this Mary Berry cheesecake recipe.

By Chanelle Georgina, Senior Reporter

Small blueberry oval cheesecake with blueberry filling

Cooking rings can lead to more elegant-looking cheesecakes (Image: Getty)

No need to fret in the kitchen on the day, as Mary Berry's lemon and lime cheesecake can be made up to 24 hours ahead of time.

While the usual go-to is to make cheesecake in one tin, which can still be done for this recipe, there's an added twist.

For a more elegant-looking dessert, you can make adorable mini cheesecakes using cooking rings.

Mary Berry said: "If you don't have cooking rings, you can use small empty chopped tomato or baked bean cans.

"Take off the top and base with a can opener and wash thoroughly."

Lime cheesecake

You can make the lime and lemon cheesecake in one tin (Image: Getty)

Whichever size you decide to go for, the cheesecake will turn out sublime either way.


Serves: 8


  • 100g (4 oz) Digestive biscuits
  • 50g (2oz) butter
  • One tbsp caster sugar
  • Fresh raspberries, to garnish


  • 1 x 250g tub mascarpone
  • 1x 375g can full-fat condensed milk
  • Juice of one small lemon
  • 3tbsp lemon curd
  • Finely grated zest and juice of two limes

lemon cheesecake

Mary Berry's lemon lime cheesecake is divine (Image: Getty)


  1. Line a baking sheet with cling film and sit eight cooking rings (7cm/23 in) on top.
  2. Crush the biscuits with a rolling pin until they are fine crumbs.
  3. Melt the butter in a pan and add the crumbs and sugar. Stir until combined. Using a teaspoon, press biscuit crumbs into the base of each ring to give an even layer. Transfer to the fridge to firm up while making the filling.
  4. Measure the mascarpone and condensed milk into a bowl and whisk with an electric hand whisk until smooth. Add the lemon juice and curd, and nearly all the lime zest (reserve some for decoration) and juice, then whisk again until thick and creamy.

5. Spoon on top of the biscuit base in the rings. Level the tops, cover with cling film and chill for a minimum of two hours.
6. Run a palette knife around the inside edge of each ring to help ease the cheesecakes out onto individual plates. Decorate with the reserved lime zest and some raspberries on the side, if liked.

If you are going to make it as one big cheesecake, a shallow, 20cm (8in) springform tin will do the job perfectly.

While the lemon and lime cheesecake can be stored in the fridge for up to 24 hours, do note it's not suitable for freezing.

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