Un-BRIE-lievable: The secret to a healthy, longer life is tucking into HIGH-FAT cheese

HIGH-FAT cheese is a staple at Christmas with cheese boards galore in most households, and in a glorious turn of events it looks like the brie and cheddar could actually be good for our health.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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High-fat cheese is good for us according to nutritionist Shona Wilkinson

In a recent study carried out by researchers from the University of Copenhagen, eating cheese was found to help improve people’s health by increasing levels of “good” high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol - thought to offer protection against cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. 

And Shona Wilkinson, a Nutritionist at SuperfoodUK.com, agrees that eating high-fat cheese does have its benefits - but warns overeating it could also have a negative impact. 

She said:“I think including some full-fat cheese is a healthy option for most people. 

“It’s been found that, in general, the health benefits associated with dairy consumption around the world are linked to eating full-fat dairy and not low-fat dairy. 

“One of the potential reasons for this is that full-fat dairy foods are higher in natural fat-soluble vitamins A and K2, which have multiple benefits for our health.” 

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Full-fat dairy foods are higher in natural fat-soluble vitamins A and K2

But Shona does warn that overeating high-fat, high-calorie foods can still lead to unwanted weight gain. 

She said: “High-fat cheese is, of course, high in calories. I’m not a fan of the low-fat approach to eating or dieting, but overeating these kinds of s can still lead to unwanted weight gain This is one food where moderation is key.” 

“In addition, some people can have a food sensitivity or intolerance to dairy foods. Those who are lactose-intolerant tend to have more obvious digestive problems such as wind or diarrhoea. But it’s also possible to have a sensitivity to the proteins in dairy foods, which can cause more varied symptoms. 

“If someone has frequent or chronic sinus problems or ear problems, I would suspect a sensitivity to dairy proteins. Likewise for those with eczema or other skin rashes. 

“Unfortunately, although you can virtually eliminate lactose by choosing hard aged cheeses, you can’t get away from the proteins in the same way - and so cheese is not the best food for everyone.”

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But overeating high-fat, high-calorie foods can still lead to unwanted weight gain

But there appears to be a host of benefits to eating high-fat cheese. 

Shona said: “One of cheese’s greatest benefits is, of course, its calcium content. Although we can get enough calcium from non-dairy foods, cheese is still one of our best and easiest sources. 

“Good quality full-fat cheese is also a great source of essential vitamins A and K2, which are found primarily in animal fats. Vitamin K2 very specifically works with calcium and vitamin D to build strongboxes - vitamin K1 from plant food does not have the same benefits.

“Hard cheeses in particular are also a great source of protein. They help to keep us full for longer too, thanks to the combination of fat and protein.” 

Before cheese-lovers rejoice and jump for the nearest block, they should also know that there are healthier cheeses than others. 

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Processed cheese tends to contain more added ingredients and lower in essential vitamins

Full-fat natural aged or matured cheese or perhaps the best choice. 

Shona explained: “The ageing process has two main benefits. It greatly reduces the lactose content of the cheese, making it easier to digest for those who have problems with the lactose in dairy. And it increases the vitamin K2 content even more, making it particularly beneficial for our bones. 

“I would avoid processed cheeses, cheese spreads and rubbery cheese slices. They tend to contain more added ingredients and are likely to be lower in essential vitamins A and K, and higher in lactose. Go for natural, traditionally processed cheeses. They can be more expensive, but it’s worth it for the health benefits.” 

And if you think this all makes gorging on high-fat cheese fine, Shona suggests how often you should be eating it to reap its benefits. 

She said: “It depends on whether you are - or think you could be - sensitive or intolerant to dairy foods. For those who are not, then I think eating good quality, natural, unprocessed cheese every day is fine. 

“But keeping it within sensible amounts such as 25 to 50 grams a day is a healthy guideline for most people, unless you’re trying to gain weight or specifically following a high-fat or ketogenic diet.” The up and coming food trends of 2017 have also been revealed. 

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