Pancake recipe: How to make the perfect batter MIX for Shrove Tuesday

PANCAKE DAY is fast approaching, and if you’re struggling for inspiration, look no further than Great British Bake Off’s Selasi Gbormittah for the perfect recipe.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Michelle Pearson shares her recipe for PERFECT pancakes

His favourite toppings are chocolate spread and banana or lemon curd, cream and fruit, but what makes the ideal pancake in Selasi’s books? 

Speaking to, Selasi said: “I’m not a fan of sugar and lemon juice - weirdo I know - but I love thick fluffy pancakes. 

“If you’re going to eat pancakes, you might as well go all out. No crepe style/thin looking pancakes - well unless they’re stacked up to make one big one. It’s all about the stacking and mouthful.” 


So what are some top tips for making the best pancake?

According to the baker, one of the most important things to do is to be patient with the batter by making sure to leave it to rest for approximately 20 minutes, in order for the raising agents to work. 

He added: “Low heat always ensures your pancake is cooked to perfection - golden brown and fluffy textures. I like to use coconut oil to make sure they will be nice and crisp around the edges, while being fluffy inside. 


Great British Bake Off’s Selasi reveals how to make the PERFECT pancakeVITA COCO/GETTY

Selasi pancake recipe: The baker's prefers fluffy pancakes to crepes

It’s all about the stacking and mouthful.

“If stacking, pre-heat your oven at a low temperature and store the cooked pancakes in the oven to keep the pancakes warm until they’re ready to munch. 

“Also, always flip your pancakes for that added joie de vivre and feel good factor. It’s fun. It seriously gives the pancake that extra taste.”

Above all, it’s important to be relaxed when making pancakes: “Pancake making is supposed to be fun and relaxing so it’s all about sitting back (maybe not too relaxed or else you’ll have charred pancakes) and watching the batter transform into something satisfying. My ingredient twist is putting a spoonful of coconut oil in the pan - I love adding the coconut taste to my pancakes.” 

While Selasi’s skills in the kitchen earned him a place just short of the Bake Off final, he, like everyone else, has had his fair share of pancake disasters. 

He revealed: “Um we all have right? One of my very first attempts was awful. It turned out quite chewy. How? No idea.” 

To incorporate his love of coconut oil and pancakes, Selasi has teamed up with Vita Coco Coconut Oil to create an innovative savoury pancake recipe - perfect for those short of a sweet tooth. 

Great British Bake Off’s Selasi reveals how to make the PERFECT pancakePA

Selasi pancake recipe: The baker came fourth in Great British Bake Off 2016

Butternut squash, goat’s cheese and crispy bacon pancake


Batter (makes 10): 

100g plain flour 

1 medium egg

150ml whole milk 

Pinch of salt 

Ground black pepper 

1 tbsp of Vita Coco Coconut Oil, melted

2 to 3 tbsp of Vita Coco Coconut Oil (for frying) 


Butternut squash

1 medium red onion 

1 tsp Vita Coco Coconut Oil 

Crispy bacon

Goats cheese 

Parmesan shavings 

Pine nuts 


Great British Bake Off’s Selasi reveals how to make the PERFECT pancakeVITA COCO

Selasi pancake recipe: Low heat always ensures your pancake is cooked to perfection


Preheat the oven at 180 degrees (fan oven). 

In a large bowl, add the flour, baking powder, salt, black pepper. 

Make a well in the centre and gradually pour in the milk while stirring continuously. This is to ensure you have no lumps in the batter. 

Add the melted Vita Coco Coconut Oil and mix well until you have a smooth batter. 

Leave to rest for approximately 20 minutes. 

In the meantime, peel the squash, cut in half and remove the seeds. Cut into cubes and set aside. Chop the onion and toss in coconut oil with the squash. 

Place the onion and squash in a baking tray and bake for 18-20 minutes. 

Grill the bacon until crispy, and chop into pieces. 

Pop a tablespoon of Vita Coco Coconut Oil in each cast iron pan and place on the same shelf in the oven. 

Heat the Vita Coco Coconut Oil in the oven until very hot (tip - just like making Yorkshire puddings). 

Once hot and cracking, open the oven and using a ladle, pour the batter evenly between the two hot pans. 

Bake for 15 to 18 minutes. 

Take the pancakes out of the oven and top with ingredients. 

Bake for a further three to five minutes until the cheese is melted and pour even amounts of the batter into each pan then bake for 15 to 18 minutes. 

Take the pancakes out of the oven, top them with the ingredients and bake for a further three to five minutes until the cheese is melted.

Why do we eat pancakes on Shrove Tuesday?

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