Type 2 diabetes symptoms: Feeling tired at this point in the day can indicate condition

TYPE 2 diabetes symptoms are not always apparent and can be mistaken for less serious conditions. But if left untreated, this type of diabetes can lead to complications such as a heart attack. There are ten signs to recognise including feeling tired at a particular time of day.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Diabetes: Common signs and symptoms of type 2

Type 2 diabetes symptoms don’t always show and can develop gradually, but it’s important to recognise the signs as it can lead to heart disease and stroke, loss of feeling and pain (nerve damage), foot problems like sores and infections, and problems with your kidneys.

The condition is commonly diagnosed following routine medical examinations or screening tests for non-related health problems.

But if signs do show, one to be wary of is feeling tired during the day, particularly after meals. This is also known as fatigue.

There are nine other symptoms to be wary of, according to Diabetes.co.uk, from eating patterns to toilet habits.

Type 2 diabetes symptoms don’t always show and can develop gradually

Feeling hungry

Often feeling hungry can be a sign, particularly if you feel hungry shortly after eating.

Urinating habits

Urinating more often than normal can indicate the condition, particularly needing to do so during the night.

Feeling abnormally thirsty

This is known as polydipsia.


People with the condition may experience blurred vision.

Itching of the skin

Particularly itchiness around the genitals.

Cuts or wounds

These tend to heal slower in people with type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes symptoms: Feeling tired at this point in the day can indicate condition

Type 2 diabetes symptoms: Feeling tired is just one of the indicators of the condition (Image: GETTY)


Having regular yeast infections is a notable sign.

Skin disorders

Having a skin disorder such as psoriasis or acanthosis nigricans.

Weight loss

Sudden weight loss or loss of muscle mass.

Alongside keeping active and losing weight, eating a healthy diet is key to managing, as well as preventing, the condition. So what should you be including in your diet?

A new study published in there Journal of Dairy Science revealed consuming a high-protein milk-based drink at breakfast could reduce a person’s appetite at lunchtime and therefore slash the risk of obesity

Type 2 diabetes symptoms: Feeling tired at this point in the day can indicate condition

Type 2 diabetes symptomscan develop gradually and don't always show (Image: GETTY)

Type 2 diabetes symptoms: Feeling tired at this point in the day can indicate condition

Type 2 diabetes symptoms: Often feeling hungry can be a sign (Image: GETTY)

Being overweight or obese has been found to increase the risk of conditions like diabetes.

The research, lead by Dr Douglas Goff of the University of Guelph, examined the effects of drinking high-protein milk for breakfast and then a high-carbohydrate cereal.

Participants’ blood glucose levels, feeling of fullness and the amount of food they consumed later on in the day were compared.

They discovered the whey and casein proteins in milk, if drunk first thing, can release gastric hormones that slow digestion and increase feelings of fullness.

Dr Goff said: “This study confirms the importance of milk at breakfast to aid in the slower digestion of carbohydrate and lower blood sugar levels.

“Nutritionists have always stressed the importance of a healthy breakfast, and this study should encourage consumers to include milk.”

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