CBD oil: What is it, what are the benefits and will you fail a drug test if you take it?

CBD OIL has risen in popularity last year with its increased availability across the UK. But what is it, what are the benefits, and if you're subject to a drug test will you fail if you take it?

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Scientist shows how cannabis has thousands of uses

CBD is now available on UK high streets in a range of different forms, from oil to water, and is believed to aid a range of health conditions. 

Studies conducted so far have suggested CBD can aid a number of health conditions, with a World Health Organisation report last year revealing it may help successfully treat symptoms relating to Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, MS, pain, anxiety, depression, cancer and diabetic complications.

So what exactly is CBD oil, what are the benefits of taking it, and because CBD is derived from the cannabis plant, will you fail a drugs test if you take it? Marcus Cordery, CEO of Kanaco - a CBD specialist - offered an in-depth look.

What is CBD oil?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the 80 plus active cannabinoids naturally found in the cannabis or hemp plant.

CBD is now available on UK high streets in a range of different forms, from oil to water

Marcus explained: “The oil is extracted from the plant and mixed with other plant oils such as hemp seed oil or olive oil to make the oil easier to ingest.

“Ideally, your CBD oil would be full spectrum which means that it contains trace amounts of other minor cannabinoids - this has been shown to have a more therapeutic effect on the human body.”

What are the benefits of CBD?

As the cannabis industry has developed, more studies have been conducted showing the potential use of CBD oil for medicinal purposes.

Some studies have shown that it has the following properties: Analgesic, antioxidant, anti-bacterial, sedative, antidepressent, antipsychotic, anxiolytic and anti-convulsive, said Marcus.

He added: “It's also been reported that it could help with ADD/ ADHD, pain-relief, aiding sleep, anxiety, inflammation, autism, epilepsy, MS and relaxation.”

CBD oil: What is it, what are the benefits and will you fail a drug test if you take it?

CBD oil: What is it, what are the benefits and will you fail a drug test if you take it? (Image: GETTY)

How can you take CBD?

There's a fast-growing CBD product range but the most simple way to get your CBD is to take a soft gel capsule or take a few drops of an oral tincture, according to Marcus.

He said: “More recently we've seen water, skincare products, and teas infused with CBD. Expect to see more innovative products come to the market.”

Will CBD show up on a drug test?

CBD is completely legal but there's a chance that when it's extracted trace amounts of psychoactive illegal cannabinoids (THC & CBN) could make into your CBD product, said Marcus.

He added: “The official guideline from the NPA is that no more than 1mg of THC can be contained per bottle and most reputable brands will comply with this.

CBD oil: What is it, what are the benefits and will you fail a drug test if you take it?

CBD oil, which comes from the cannabis plant, has rocketed in popularity in the last year (Image: GETTY)

CBD oil: What is it, what are the benefits and will you fail a drug test if you take it?

CBD has been shown in some studies to help with inflammatory conditions (Image: GETTY)

“At Kanaco, our soft gel capsules are THC free and therefore won't show up on drug tests. Some CBD companies products do contain THC so it's important to check if you're subject to drug tests.”

Dr Andrew Thornber, chief medical officer at Now Patient, previously offered his recommendation for taking CBD to Express.co.uk, particularly with research still being in the early stages.

He said that because CBD isn’t prescribed by a GP or pharmacist at present, we still don’t know the full side-effects.

He added: “I would not personally recommend this as a medical practitioner.

“I would always recommend anyone wanting to take any medicine that isn’t registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council to do so with caution and almost always have a chat with your Pharmacist or GP at your next visit to take their advice.

“The individual needs of the patient vary and what works for one person, may not work for another and this is not currently classed as an official medication which can be prescribed.”


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