Flu jab: Are you eligible for the nasal spray vaccine? How to get protected this winter

FLU JAB is one of the best ways of preventing the illness, but a nasal spray flu vaccine is also available. Can this be given to both adults and children and how can you get it?

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Cold vs flu: How to tell the difference

Flu jab is available every year on the NHS to protect adults and children against the illness and its complications.

The virus usually circulates every winter, so it’s recommended you get protected from the beginning of October to end of November.

As well as an injection there’s a nasal spray flu vaccine available. But who is eligible for this and where can you get it from?

The nasal spray flu vaccine is only administered to young children - children aged two and three on August 31 2018, children in reception class and school years 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, in some parts of the country all primary school-aged children will be offered the vaccine, and children aged two to 17 with long-term health conditions.

Flu jab is available every year on the NHS to protect adults and children against the illness and its complications

The NHS explains the vaccine is given as a single spray quirted up each nostril.

It says: “Not only is it needle-free - a big advantage for children - the nasal spray is quick, painless, and works even better than the injected flu vaccine.

“The vaccine is absorbed very quickly. It will still work even if, after the vaccination, your child develops a runny nose, sneezes or blows their nose.”

The health body advises your child’s GP or school should contact you about getting them vaccinated before the winter.

If you haven’t heard from their GP by early November 2018, contact them directly to make an appointment.

Adults are given an injected vaccine to protect against the flu, and if you fall into one of the eligibility groups, the jab is available for free of charge on the NHS.

Flu jab: Are you eligible for the nasal spray flu vaccine and how can you get it?

Flu jab: Are you eligible for the nasal spray flu vaccine? (Image: GETTY)

Adults available for a free vaccine are those at risk of catching the virus, such as people aged 65 years of age or over, pregnant people, and those with certain medical conditions.

People living in a long-stay resident care home or a long-stay care facility, and those who receive a carer’s allowance or are the main carer for an elderly or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk, are also eligible for the free vaccine.

If you fall out the eligibility group you can still choose to get vaccinated against flu for a small cost.

The most common symptoms of flu, according to Bupa, include:

  • A high temperature (38C to 40)
  • Chills
  • A headache
  • Feeling tired, weak and generally unwell
  • Aching muscles and joints
  • Losing you appetite
  • A sore throat
  • A dry cough

Flu jab: Are you eligible for the nasal spray flu vaccine and how can you get it?

Flu jab: The nasal spray flu vaccine is available for young children (Image: GETTY)

Flu jab: Are you eligible for the nasal spray flu vaccine and how can you get it?

Flu jab: An injection is available for adults - free on the NHS if you're eligible (Image: GETTY)

The health organisation adds: “You might also get a runny nose and burning or painful eyes that are particularly sensitive to light.

“The symptoms of flu tend to appear quite suddenly, within two to three days of getting infected.

“Although the symptoms of flu can be similar to a common cold, they are usually more intense. If you have flu, you’ll feel much worse than if you have a cold. And if you have a cold, you’ll have a runny or stuffy nose.”

To stop the spread of flu it’s advised you cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, and to wash your hands regularly with soap and water.

Staying at home is also a good way of avoiding the virus passing on to other people. You should consider staying off work or school for about a week.

For those unfortunate to get the virus, Dr Sarah Jarvis offered her best remedies

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