Stomach bloating: Drink one cup of this herbal tea a day to stop a bulging belly

STOMACH bloating usually comes hand-in-hand with trapped wind and can result in terrible discomfort. Certain food and drink are often the cause, but there are also certain food and drink that can help stop the problem, including a certain tea.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Doctor Oz explains top causes of stomach bloating

Stomach bloating is often caused by certain things in a person's diet, for example, fizzy drinks are a well-known culprit for causing an uncomfortable belly.

Gas or trapped air in the abdomen is usually the cause of bloating, and there are certain foods that can promote this.

The NHS advises people looking to beat the bloat to cut down on foods known to cause wind such as beans, onions, broccoli cabbage, sprouts and cauliflower.

But certain other foods can help stop a bulging tummy, such as dandelion tea.

Stomach bloating is often caused by certain things in a person's diet. For example, fizzy drinks are well-known culprit for causing an uncomfortable belly

Dandelion tea is a herbal tea often used as a coffee substitute with the roots being roasted to a dark brown colour.

According to Dr Mehmet Oz, former health expert on The Oprah Winfrey Show, dandelion tea is an effective cure for stomach bloating.

On his website he explains: “It stimulates bile to help break down fatty meals that make you bloated. Try drinking one cup a day.”

As well as aiding digestion, dandelion tea has been found to help reduce water weight. It acts as a diuretic and increases urine output.

A study showed an increased urine output after two one cup servings of dandelion tea made from the leaves of the plant.

Dandelion tea isn’t the only food the TV doctor recommends to beat the bloat.

Stomach bloating: Drink one cup of this tea a day to stop a bulging belly

Stomach bloating: Drinking a particular tea every day could stop your bulging belly (Image: GETTY)

Bloating is not always gas-related as high sodium intake can also be one of the causes.

Hiding in most of today’s processed foods and restaurant items, sodium attracts and retains water in the body.

Dr Oz advises: “Potassium on the other hand, can help counter sodium’s role.

“Maintaining your overall potassium-sodium level is important for water balance.

“If your bloat is a result of yesterday’s salty dinner, try adding sliced banana to your morning oatmeal for some balance.”

Stomach bloating: Drink one cup of this tea a day to stop a bulging belly

Stomach bloating: Banana can help maintain your overall potassium-sodium level (Image: GETTY)

Stomach bloating: Drink one cup of this tea a day to stop a bulging belly

Stomach bloating: Cucumber is a natural diuretic and can help with water weight (Image: GETTY)

Cucumber is also a natural diuretic. Dr Oz says: “If you’re already bloated, cucumbers can make a great tummy-flattening snack.

“The high water and low fibre content of these tasty vegetables can cause increased urination, which in turn, makes you feel slimmer.”

Taking supplements are recommended by some health experts to help the problem

Activated charcoal capsules are a natural remedy for bloating and excess wind, according to Holland and Barrett.

It says: “They work by absorbing excess gas from within your gut to relieve flatulence and feelings of fullness,” a claim that was supported by the European Food Safety Authority in 2011.

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