Vitamin D deficiency symptoms: Do you need supplements? Look for this sign at night

VITAMIN D deficiency is more likely to occur in winter because the sun, which is the main source, is in short supply. Symptoms can easily be mistaken for less serious health problems, which can be dangerous because left untreated complications can occur. Struggling to sleep at night could be a sign.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Diabetes expert explains the importance of vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency can occur at this time of year because daylight hours are shorter and UV levels from the sun are low. But the vitamin is important when it comes to healthy function of the body. It helps regulate calcium and phosphate and keeps bones, teeth and muscles healthy. Not getting enough vitamin D can cause muscle weakness and make you more susceptible to infection.

Restless sleep can be indirectly linked to vitamin D deficiency

When it comes to recognising the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency, one to note is restless sleep.

While there are many other causes, restless sleep can be indirectly linked to the condition.

A study which involved 3,048 male participants over the age of 68 measured participants’ vitamin D serum levels and sleep, total sleep time, sleep efficiency, wake time and disturbances.

Out of all the people who took part, around 16 per cent already had low levels of vitamin D.

The research found low vitamin D increased the likelihood of experiencing insufficient sleep and were inked to lower sleep efficiency scores.

So if vitamin D deficiency is linked to poor sleep, what can you do to help the problem?

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms: Does this happen when you sleep? Sign you need supplements

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms: Be wary of a certain sign when you sleep (Image: GETTY)

For people with low vitamin D levels medical experts recommend taking a vitamin D supplement.

A small double-blind trial carried out in Iran suggested that supplementing with vitamin D may help sufferers who struggle with sleep.

The study involved 93 people between the ages of 20 and 50 and they were assessed using the Pittsburgh sleep Quality Index, which is a questionnaire that measures sleep quality and disturbances.

Those in the vitamin D group were given a high dose of 50,000 IU vitamin D3 supplements, with one dose every two weeks, resulting in around 3,571 IU a day.

At the end of the study, those who took the vitamin D3 supplement, compared to the placebo group, spent longer asleep and it also too them less time to fall asleep.

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms: Does this happen when you sleep? Sign you need supplements

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms: Restless sleep can be indirectly linked to the condition (Image: GETTY)

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms: Does this happen when you sleep? Sign you need supplements

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms: You may want to consider taking supplements if you lack the vitamin (Image: GETTY)

But it’s important to note this was a small study and more research is needed to substantiate this claim.

Another sign of vitamin D deficiency to be wary of is in a person’s eyes, according to another study

Research published in the International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases showed vitamin D deficiency is strongly associate with dry eyes.

Symptoms of dry eyes include feelings of dryness, grittiness or soreness that get worse throughout the day.

Other notable symptoms are burning and red eyes, eyelids that stick together when you wake up, and temporarily blurred vision, which usually improves when you blink.

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