Best supplements for weight loss: The fermented supplement proven to help shed pounds

BEST supplements for weight loss: When it comes to losing weight, eating a healthy balanced diet and regular exercise are recommended. But some evidence has also demonstrated how a certain supplement can help a person shed their extra pounds.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Top health benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar

Weight loss is best achieved through changes to your diet and physical activity. According to the NHS, your GP or practice nurse can help you assess your current diet and levels of physical activity and set personal goals for change. Your doctor may suggest you wear a pedometer for a week to measure how much you exercise or advise against habits such as adding sugar to your tea. But some evidence has also proven apple cider vinegar can aid weight loss.

Apple cider vinegar has been found to reduce weight loss and appetite

Available as a liquid to add in drinks and in supplement form, apple cider vinegar has been found to reduce weight loss and appetite.

A study published in 2018 looked at people who were actively trying to lose weight.

The research published in Journal of Functional Foods found dieters who had 1.5 tablespoons a day of apple cider vinegar lost more weight than those who only followed the diet.

Researchers concluded apple cider vinegar may aid weight loss by helping to reduce appetite - its acetic acid content has been shown to reduce the absorption of starches in food and slow digestion, which in turn can help keep you fuller for longer.

Holland & Barrett explains what apple cider vinegar is: “Just as with other types of vinegar, the key ingredient in apple cider vinegar is acetic acid, which is produced when the sugars from apples are fermented. When apple cider vinegar is filtered, it looks like a clear liquid.

“If it’s left unfiltered, it has a cloudy appearance because it contains a combination of yeast and bacteria that forms during fermentation, known as ‘the mother’. Many believe this is what gives apple cider vinegar its health benefits, which is why you’ll often see ‘the mother’ clearly labelled on bottles.”

Best supplements for weight loss: The fermented drink proven to help people lose weight

Best supplements for weight loss: A fermented drink has been proven to aid weight loss (Image: GETTY)

The most popular way to take apple cider vinegar is in liquid form.

Most studies suggest health benefits from taking two tablespoons a day, but it’s also important to dilute the mixture because of its acidity.

The high street health store advises: “Overall, it’s safe - and there’s no problem in including it in your diet.

“But if you’re taking it on a regular basis, especially undiluted there are a few things to consider.

“It’s very acidic, so may erode tooth enamel – drinking water afterwards could help.

Best supplements for weight loss: The fermented drink proven to help people lose weight

Best supplements for weight loss: Apple cider vinegar has been shown to help suppress appetite (Image: GETTY)

Best supplements for weight loss: The fermented drink proven to help people lose weight

Best supplements for weight loss: 1.5 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar a day has proven effective (Image: GETTY)

“If you’re prone to acid reflux, take care – vinegars generally can exacerbate acid reflux.

“If you have chronic kidney disease, your kidneys may have trouble processing the excess acid, so speak to your doctor first.”

Apple cider vinegar is also available in supplement form and you should be sure to read the label to follow the recommended dosage.

Directions usually advise taking tablets with meals.

Glucomannan has also been found to aid weight loss

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