Willie Thorne health: ‘I will beat it’ Snooker star’s deadly condition - the symptoms

WILLIE THORNE is best known for being a professional snooker player turned sports pundit. But what some fans may not be aware of is the 1985 Classic winner has been fighting a life-threatening condition over the last few years.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Prostate cancer: What are the signs and symptoms?

Willie Thorne, 65, revealed he was battling prostate cancer back in 2015, but vowed he would overcome the condition, saying: “I will beat it.” The cue star discovered the cancer after visiting a psychiatrist who referred him for routine blood tests. Detailing how his cancer was diagnosed to the Sunday Mirror at the time, he said: “My psychiatrist said I needed a set of blood tests as a matter of routine and they came back showing a problem.

“A scraping of the front of my prostate showed up the cancer cells and now doctors are having to carry out a scarping of the back of the prostate to see if there has been any spread.”

In 2016, Willie revealed he was due to have surgery to remove any cancerous cells.

Speaking back then he revealed: “I will know the extent of it soon but for now I’m not sleeping very well.

“I’ve had a pre-op biopsy and I’m due to have an operation in the next couple of weeks.

“It could be the full-blown prostate cancer.

“But I’ve just got to brush myself down and get on with it. I’ve got to keep my chin up, I won’t just sit there and let it beat me.”

Willie Thorne health: ‘I will beat it’ Snooker star’s deadly condition - the symptoms

Willie Thorne health: The snooker star was diagnosed with a deadly condition four years ago (Image: GETTY)

Four years on, Willie is still being treated for prostate cancer, but to raise awareness for the disease which kills one man in UK every 45 minutes, he'll be taking part in ITV’s The Real Full Monty.

For the third time Ashley Banjo and Alexander Armstrong are encouraging a group of male celebrities to strip down to their thongs to raise awareness of prostate and testicular cancer.

Joining Willie will be other familiar faces such as Love Island wine Jack Fincham, Emmerdale star Kelvin Fletcher, comedian Joe Pasquale, and Strictly Come Dancing professional Gorka Marquez.

On the show, Willie revealed: “I watched the first programme and saw everybody take their clothes off and I though gee wiz I better have a little check-up. I had a routine blood test and had to go in again.

“I know what cancer does because I lost my brother six years ago and now I’m thinking am I going to go through the same thing?”

The Real Full Monty airs at 9pm on ITV tonight, Monday 6 May.

Willie Thorne health: ‘I will beat it’ Snooker star’s deadly condition - the symptoms

Willie Thorne health: The star was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2015 (Image: GETTY)

Willie Thorne health: ‘I will beat it’ Snooker star’s deadly condition - the symptoms

Willie Thorne is still being treated for the disease but will appear on The Real Full Monty (Image: GETTY)

Prostate cancer symptoms

The NHS lists the following signs as symptoms of cancer:

  • Needing to pee more frequently, often during the night
  • Needing to rush to the toilet
  • Difficulty in starting to pee (hesitancy)
  • Straining or taking a long time while peeing
  • Weak flow
  • Feeling that your bladder has not emptied fully
  • Blood in urine or blood in semen

The health body adds: “These symptoms do not always mean you have prostate cancer. Many men's prostates get larger as they get older because of a non-cancerous condition called prostate enlargement.

“Signs that the cancer may have spread include bone and back pain, a loss of appetite, pain in the testicles and unexplained weight loss.”

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