Flu jab: Should you have two vaccinations this winter? What happens after single vaccine

THE FLU jab becomes available every year on the NHS to help protect adults and children against the virus. For at risk groups the vaccine is free and for others it’s available at a small cost. But is one flu jab enough this winter - should you have two?

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Doctor Ranj: "There are some side effects" about the flu jab

The flu jab is considered the best form of protect against an unpredictable virus, with a number of studies showing the vaccine will help prevent a person getting flu. Doctors urge people get the flu jab because it can cause unpleasant symptoms for children and severe illness and death among at-risk groups of people.

But over time, protection from the flu jab gradually decreases.

So should people consider getting two vaccines this winter?

One shot should normally suffice, according to Dr Andrew Thornber, chief medical officer at Now Patient.

He told Express.co.uk: “It tends to last around six months and is given at the start of the flu season, which is generally prevalent during the autumn/winter months.

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Flu jab: Should you have two vaccinations this winter? What happens after single vaccine

Flu jab: Should you have two vaccinations this winter? (Image: GETTY)

“The jab does start to wear off as soon as it enters the body.

“Like many vaccines, the flu jab contains inactivated versions of the virus.

“When introduced into the body, they help the immune system ‘learn’ to fight infection.

“If offered the flu jab, you should take it.


“At present you would not be invited for a second one and would probably have to pay if you wanted a second.”

So what happens if you have two vaccinations?

Dr Thornber revealed: “It would be like a booster jab and would top up the previous jab.”

Are there any side effects after having the flu jab?

Serious side effects of the injected flu vaccine are very rare, according to the NHS.

Flu jab: Should you have two vaccinations this winter? What happens after single vaccine

Flu jab: The vaccine tends to last around six months (Image: GETTY)

It advises: “You may have a mild fever and aching muscles for a couple of days after having the vaccine, and your arm may be a bit sore where you were injected.

“Side effects of the nasal spray vaccine may commonly include a runny or blocked nose, a headache, tiredness and some loss of appetite.”

Who is eligible for a free flu vaccine?

The flu jab is offered free of charge on the NHS to people who are at risk. You should have the flu vaccine if you:

  • Are 65 years old or over
  • Are pregnant
  • Have certain medical conditions
  • Are living in a long-stay residential care home or another long-stay care facility
  • Receive a carer’s allowance, or you’re the main carer for an elderly or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if you fall ill

Frontline health and social care workers are also eligible to receive the flu vaccine, but it’s the employers responsibility to arrange and pay for the vaccine.

Flu jab: Should you have two vaccinations this winter? What happens after single vaccine

Flu jab: Pregnant women are eligible for a free flu vaccine (Image: GETTY)

Where to get the flu jab

The flu jab is available at GP surgeries, but also Boots, Asda, Tesco, Lloyds Pharmacy and Superdrug.

If you’re not eligible for a free flu jab then the vaccine is available at a small fee.


The vaccine at Asda Pharmacy is £7 and booking are available now.


Superdrug is providing a walk-in vaccination service. The cost of the jab is £9.99.


From October, vaccinations will be available at selected Tesco Pharmacy stores in England and Wales.

You’ll be bale to make an appointment to have one, or receive one straight away after filling in a short questionnaire.

It takes 15 minutes, during which the pharmacist will explain the process and answer any queries, and costs just £10.

Lloyds Pharmacy

The flu vaccine at Lloyds is just £11.50. The healthcare team at your local pharmacist will be able to tell you what’s right for you.


The jab costs £12.99. You can book an appointment either in store or online.

Appointments for children ages 11 to 15 can only be booked in selected stores.

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