Pfizer Covid vaccine up to 85 percent effective after first dose according to study

THE PFIZER/BIONTECH vaccine is up to 85 percent effective after the first dose - that's the latest finding in a study from Israel.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Pfizer vaccine found to be 95% effective against virus in study

The Pfizer/BioNTech Covid vaccine was tested for efficacy in research conducted by the Sheba Medical Centre, Israel’s largest hospital. The findings have been published in The Lancet medical journal. The hospital assessed the effectiveness of the first dose of the vaccine among 7,000 of its healthcare employees.

The workers each received their first dose in January and an 85 percent reduction of clinical COVID-19 between 15 and 28 days after the jab was observed.

Efficacy was also looked at in asymptomatic patients.

The study found all infections, including asymptomatic, were reduced by 75 percent after the first dose.

"This is first real-world evidence of effectiveness that shows up after the first dose of the vaccine,” Professor Eyal Leshem, an infectious disease expert and director of Sheba's Institute for Travel and Tropical Medicine, said in a statement.

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Pfizer Covid vaccine up to 85 percent effective after first dose according to study

Pfizer Covid vaccine is up to 85 percent effective after the first dose, according to a study (Image: GETTY)

"We had some hints from the clinical trials and some calculations that were made based on the clinical trial [but] this shows early effectiveness, even before the second dose was administered."

He added: “I would say there is some evidence to support the decision to postpone the second dose, because, on one hand, we seem to have very good effectiveness of the first dose: early and high effectiveness.

"And on the other hand, postponing the second dose will allow much higher coverage... given the limited vaccine supply."

The research comes just two weeks after another study found a single dose of the Pfizer vaccine to be 90 percent effective after 21 days.


The study was carried out by the University of East Anglia who said it was “highly protective” after 21 days without a ‘top up’ dose in the recommended time frame.

The findings supported the UK’s plans to delay the timing of the second jab.

The scientists did warn people’s risk of infection from the virus doubled in the first eight days after the vaccine, citing people becoming less cautious as a possible cause.

But the South African coronavirus variant may reduce protection from the Pfizer vaccine by two-thirds, according to another study from Pfizer and BioNTech.

Pfizer Covid vaccine up to 85 percent effective after first dose according to study

Covid vaccine: The efficacy of all the vaccines is being studied (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

As part of the study, scientists from the companies and the University of Texas Medical Branch developed an engineered virus that contained the same mutations carried on the spike portion of the highly contagious coronavirus variant first discovered in South Africa known as B.1.351.

The spike, used by the virus to enter human cells, is the primary target of many Covid vaccines.

The scientists tested the engineered virus against blood taken from people who had been given the vaccine and found a two-thirds reduction in the level of neutralising antibodies compared with its effect on the most common version of he virus prevalent in US trials.

The efficacy of the Oxford vaccine has also been researchers.

Pfizer Covid vaccine up to 85 percent effective after first dose according to study

Covid vaccine: Those most at risk from the virus are being vaccinated first (Image: EPRESS.CO.UK)

Test results by the University of Oxford showed a 67 percent reduction in positive COVID-19 swabs among those vaccinated.

The report also said a three-month gap between does doesn’t lower protection.

Research reported in Nature Medicine also suggested the Oxford vaccine offers as little as 10 percent protection against the Covid variant first seen in South Africa.

In the wake of the trial, South Africa halted the rollout of the vaccine.

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