Dr Amir issues important advice after reports Covid vaccine effectiveness wanes over time

DR AMIR KHAN has issued some important advice amid reports Covid vaccine effectiveness against the Delta variant drops over time.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Dr Amir Khan urges public to ‘still go and get vaccinated’

Covid vaccine effectiveness may decline over time with cases of the highly contagious Delta Covid variant still circulating, according to new research from the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). A study released this week showed vaccine effectiveness decreased among health care workers who were fully vaccinated since the time the Delta variant became widespread, which could be due to waning effectiveness of the vaccine over time.

Higher transmissibility of the Delta variant and other factors could also be to blame.

But appearing on ITV’s Lorraine, GP Dr Amir Khan urged viewers the waning effectiveness was nothing to worry about.

He said: “It’s nothing to worry about, it’s what we expect with vaccines.”

The CDC also said the trend should be “interpreted with caution” because a decline in vaccine effectiveness could be due to “poor precision in estimates due to limited number of weeks of observation and few infections among participants”.

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Dr Amir issues important advice after reports Covid vaccine effectiveness wanes over time

Dr Amir issued important advice after reports Covid vaccine effectiveness wanes over time (Image: ITV/GETTY)

Dr Amir said the vaccines still offer good protection and urged people to still go forward and get it.

He explained: “The study here shows that after six months the protection the two vaccines offer does wane slightly.

“So the Pfizer vaccine, that protection drops from 88 percent to 74 percent.

“For the AstraZeneca vaccine, it’s 77 to 67 percent.


“But there’s still good protection even after six months.

“So the message here is you must still go forward and get your vaccines because it’s the best way to be protected against the coronavirus.”

He added: “And we’re seeing cases go up, we’re averaging 100 deaths per day now when it comes to coronavirus.

“So it’s really, really important.”

Dr Amir issues important advice after reports Covid vaccine effectiveness wanes over time

Covid latest: There are currently more than 30,000 cases daily in the UK (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Dr Amir said there may be an argument for booster shots, particularly for the clinically extremely vulnerable.

But he still thinks there needs to be more data on booster shots.

He continued: “We need to start vaccinating parts of the world that haven’t been vaccinated at all before we offer a third vaccine to those who have good protection already.

“So don’t worry about this, still go and get vaccinated.”

Dr Amir issues important advice after reports Covid vaccine effectiveness wanes over time

Covid latest: More than 39 million people have received their first dose of the vaccine (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

A new study will investigate whether a third dose of vaccine for people with weakened immune systems gives a stronger immune response than two doses.

The study, OCTAVE DUO, will offer people who are immunosuppressed or immunocompromised a Pfizer, Moderna or Novavax vaccine to determine whether this will give a stronger immune response than 2 doses.

The £2.2 million study will build on the OCTAVE trial, led by the University of Glasgow and co-ordinated by the University of Birmingham’s Cancer Research UK Clinical Trials Unit.

Health and Social Care Secretary Sajid Javid said: “Vaccines have built a strong wall of defence in the UK and this is allowing most of us to learn to live safely with COVID-19.

“We know some people may get less protection from the vaccine than others, so we are planning for a booster programme in the autumn, prioritising those most at risk.

“This new study will play an important role in helping to shape the deployment of future vaccines doses for these specific at-risk groups.”

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