Visceral fat: The hot drink that can help shed the harmful belly fat - expert

VISCERAL fat lurks in between your organs deep inside the belly. This fat is considered to be toxic as it can release harmful chemicals into your bloodstream. spoke to an expert about a simple way to burn this harmful fat within weeks.

By Diana Buntajova, Health Reporter based in London, specialising in personal stories, breaking news, and nutrition.

Dr Zoe Williams discusses visceral fat on This Morning

Unlike subcutaneous fat, visceral fat is hidden in your belly. Perhaps the worst aspect of this fat is its dangerous ability to trigger conditions ranging from diabetes to heart disease. Fortunately, simple dietary modifications can help shed the tricky fat.

Visceral fat might be out of sight, out of mind but it can release proteins and hormones that cause inflammation.

This inflammation can then damage your arteries and impact how your body breaks down sugars and fats.

Luckily, Dr Tim Bond from the Tea Advisory Panel shared that burning visceral fat can be as easy as having a cup of tea.

He said: “Several studies have demonstrated that green tea can reduce visceral fat. 

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Visceral fat: Green tea can help shed the harmful belly fat - expert.

Visceral fat: Green tea can help shed the harmful belly fat - expert. (Image: GETTY)

“A 2021 paper commissioned by the Tea Advisory Panel (TAP) also found that green tea could reduce body fat, weight and waist circumference.”

Waist circumference has been identified as a warning sign of the harmful fat.

The doctor explained how something so simple as green tea can cut visceral fat. He said: “Green tea can reduce visceral fat by impacting thermogenesis (fat burning), oxidation of energy substrates (e.g. fat and protein), appetite suppression and reduction in enzymes involved in liver fat metabolism.”

The reason why the tea is so potent when it comes to visceral fat seem to be catechins, plant-based chemicals, including one called EGCG.


Dr Bond noted: “EGCG can inhibit the hormone that breaks down norepinephrine. 

“Norepinephrine then increases and breaks down abdominal fat.

“Studies have shown that green tea catechins can reduce abdominal fat. [And] caffeine which is also present in green tea can have a synergistic effect with catechins.”

The best part is that you can see the fat reduction in as little as weeks. 

The reason why the tea is so potent when it comes to visceral fat seem to be catechins.

The reason why the tea is so potent when it comes to visceral fat seem to be catechins. (Image: GETTY)

He said: “Initial fat oxidation is observed in acute studies of two to three days duration.

“But in the real world, body fat reduction is more likely to occur with green tea after eight to 12 weeks.”

The TAP’s research suggests that drinking two to three cups of green tea daily should do the trick.

The doctor added that there’s no evidence that certain green teas are better than others but matcha has been specifically linked to beneficial effects on body fat.

How should I prepare my tea?

To get all the visceral fat loss benefits, the tea expert shared how to brew a cup.

Dr Bond said: “Boil the water and let it sit in the kettle for two to three minutes then pour it on the green tea leaves or the green tea bag. 

“Allow the green tea to stand for three minutes to allow the catechins to infuse into the warm water then enjoy. 

“Whilst green and black tea provide no calories, a teaspoon of sugar provides about 16 calories.

“If you drink a lot of tea this can soon add up. Adults are recommended not to exceed 30 grams sugar (seven sugar cubes) each day.”


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