Covid: Doctor warns it’s ‘absolutely the wrong time to be lifting the restrictions’

AS FURTHER Covid restrictions are being scrapped today, a doctor issues a warning about the "new dominant" variant and lifting rules. This comes as further 89,717 more Britons test positive for the virus.

By Diana Buntajova, Health Reporter based in London, specialising in personal stories, breaking news, and nutrition.

Coronavirus: 'Wrong time to lift restrictions' says Greenhalgh

After the first set of rules around self-isolation was scrapped four weeks ago, further restrictions continue to be lifted. Now, all Covid travel restrictions have been lifted for passengers entering the UK.

Speaking on ITV’s Good Morning Britain, Trish Greenhalgh, Professor of Primary Care Health Sciences who trained as a GP, said: “It is absolutely the wrong time to be lifting the restrictions.

“We all know people who have got Covid at the moment.

“I think there are more cases in the UK currently than there have ever been in the UK.

“The deaths are not quite as high as they have been but they are also on the rise.”

READ MORE: Covid booster jabs: Fourth Covid jab now available - how to get one and do you need it? 

Covid: Doctor warns it’s ‘absolutely the wrong time’ to lift restrictions.

Covid: Doctor warns it’s ‘absolutely the wrong time’ to lift restrictions. (Image: GETTY/ITV)

The expert also shared that vaccines might not offer sufficient protection.

She noted: “Vaccination is not going to protect us fully against this new dominant variant which is highly transmissible and which we are going to catch if we don’t wear masks.

“Hospitalisations from the Covid in the UK are very high currently.

“There’s a risk that hospitals are going to collapse under the strain because operations are being cancelled.”


The latest data shares that hospital admissions for 13 March were recorded at 1,777 Covid admissions.

This figure represents a 26 percent increase compared to the previous week.

However, some of the patients in hospitals could be so called “incidental” cases.

This details people who test positive for the virus after being admitted for another reason.

All Covid travel restrictions have been lifted for passengers entering the UK.

All Covid travel restrictions have been lifted for passengers entering the UK. (Image: GETTY)

So, you might come to the hospital with a heart attack and only test positive at the premises later.

The doctor added: “The idea that this is a very mild thing, that it’s just like a cold and we just have to live with it, is absolutely not true.”

Prof Greenhalgh also stressed that masks can still be beneficial as there is “science behind” them.

“As a general rule…we are going to be more safer if we are wearing high-quality FFP2 or FFP3 masks,” she noted.

The plan to end all Covid restrictions.

The plan to end all Covid restrictions. (Image: )

However, masks are no longer mandated in the UK based on the rule that came into force at the end of January.

The only places that require the coverings are healthcare settings, including GP surgeries, hospitals and care homes.

Regarding the rising cases the country is currently experiencing, the Health Secretary Sajid Javid said it was to be “expected” in light of easing restrictions.

Javid added that there’s currently “nothing in the data at this point in time that gives us any cause for concern”.

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