Long Covid: Dr Ranj on warning signs of 'significant cognitive dysfunction' - brain fog

LONG Covid is the one unwanted souvenir from battling a coronavirus infection, with an estimated 1.3 million Britons living with the long-term consequences. Dr Ranj Singh has detailed the "significant and important" symptom that comes with the infection - seen across 70 percent of patients.

By Diana Buntajova, Health Reporter based in London, specialising in personal stories, breaking news, and nutrition.

Morning Live: Dr Ranj Singh explains what 'brain fog' is

Long Covid can stick with you for weeks or even months after the initial infection has gone. What’s worse, even people who only had mild disease are often struck with the persisting symptoms. One of the most common ones is the dreaded brain fog.

Speaking on Morning Live on Wednesday, March 30, Dr Ranj explained brain fog occurs alongside the physical symptoms of long Covid.

He said: “We call it brain fog colloquially but that probably doesn’t do it justice.

“We are talking about significant cognitive dysfunction, or some people call it long neuro-COVID.

“Essentially, you’re losing the executive functions of your brain.”

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Long Covid: Dr Ranj on warning signs of 'significant cognitive dysfunction' - brain fog.

Long Covid: Dr Ranj on warning signs of 'significant cognitive dysfunction' - brain fog. (Image: GETTY/BBC)
The doctor then explained how you can spot this long Covid symptom.
  • It can present with:
  • Memory problems
  • Concentration and attention difficulties
  • Word-finding difficulties
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Anxiety.
He noted that word-finding difficulties can be as simple as a word dropping out of your head - “it can just happen like that”.


Experts are not certain what exactly causes this symptom to pop up but “there’s a lot of theories as to why it happens”.

Dr Ranj named some of them: “For example, direct effect of Covid infecting the brain, problems with micro clots in the blood circulation.

“Problems with the blood supply to the brain itself [and] difficulties, disturbances in your neurotransmitters."

It could also be “an overaction by the immune system that contributes to it”.

One sign that could help spot brain fog is sleep disturbances.

One sign that could help spot brain fog is sleep disturbances. (Image: GETTY)

As many people are struggling with persistent aspects of Covid, there’s lots of ongoing research into the long-term condition.

Dr Ranj mentioned a study that “just came out of Cambridge University”.

“They looked at people from the first wave of the pandemic, we are looking at the alpha variant here,” he said.

The study compared patients who battled Covid to those who didn’t experience the infection.

The doctor explained that half of them were able to recover but half suffered from persistent symptoms.

Long Covid data.

Long Covid data. (Image: Express.co.uk )

He continued: “Out of the ones that still had symptoms, the majority, around 70 percent, had brain fog so it’s a significant and important symptom of long Covid.”

Fortunately, there are currently treatment trials that could help determine an effective way of tackling brain fog.

These range from filtering out blood clots to blood thinning drugs and probiotics. “We’re waiting for results but at least there is some hope”, Dr Ranj noted.

The doctor also mentioned that “brain fog isn’t always part of long Covid”, other conditions, including menopause, can also present with this sign.

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