Long Covid: Nutritionist recommends top foods to aid ‘brain fog’

AROUND two million people live with the persisting symptoms of coronavirus, with tiredness and concentration problems being common symptoms. Many patients report so-called brain fog, which makes their mind feel unsharp and sluggish. Fortunately, an expert shares the foods which could aid this stubborn sign.

By Diana Buntajova, Health Reporter based in London, specialising in personal stories, breaking news, and nutrition.

Long Covid victim discusses daily impact of virus

Although scientists are still trying to fully understand the exact impact of Covid on the brain, the virus seems to have some negative effects on the organ. “Covid Brain is caused by neuroinflammation and a reaction to the change in our gut bacteria,” said functional nutritionist for Wiley's Finest fish oils and author Pauline Cox.

The good news is that research keeps progressing, shedding light on more aspects of long Covid and the virus’ impacts.

Mrs Cox said: “The latest research on inflammation in the brain caused by original strains of Covid shows that anti-inflammatory omega 3s - found in fish and omega-3 supplements – help reduce neuroinflammation in the brain.”

What’s more, this helps to reduce the tricky brain fog.

Apart from its brain benefits, omega 3s have been also shown to lower headaches and insomnia - two recognised signs of long Covid.

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Long Covid: Foods to aid ‘brain fog’ include oily fish and grapes - expert.

Long Covid: Foods to aid ‘brain fog’ include oily fish and grapes - expert. (Image: GETTY)

Considered a brain booster, omega 3s support blood flow to the organ.

They are also linked with better performance for various cognitive tasks, with some research suggesting they may be able to reduce the risk of dementia.

When it comes to oily fish rich in these fatty acids, you’re looking for the likes of salmon and tuna.

The NHS recommends eating one portion of oily fish a week, which is the equivalent of 140 grams (4.9oz).


Another potent goodie which is found in grapes and could aid long Covid recovery is resveratrol.

Mrs Cox said: “It’s the dark pigment in grapes and you find it in red wine.

“It's anti-inflammatory and good for anti-ageing and protecting DNA.”

The dark pigment seems to help increase your ACE-2 levels which play a role in Covid.

The dark pigment seems to help increase your ACE-2 levels which play a role in Covid.

The dark pigment seems to help increase your ACE-2 levels which play a role in Covid. (Image: GETTY)

She said: “The Covid virus is airborne and so enters the body via your respiratory system, but the way it actually infects you is through the spike protein, attaching to a receptor called ACE-2.

“This receptor is everywhere in your body. It’s in your lungs, cardiovascular system and gut - and it's important for energy levels.

“The virus then replicates and whether it does this quickly or slowly depends on your immune system.

“When these ACE-2 levels go down, you can start to get long-term effects with the gut.”

Long Covid symptoms.

Long Covid symptoms. (Image: Express.co.uk )

This can impact the levels of friendly gut bacteria, including butyrate.

Mrs Cox continued: “Butyrate is a really important fatty acid.

“So, basically these friendly gut bacteria produce something in your bloodstream and brain and make you feel a certain way.

“When gut bacteria changes, it changes the way your brain focuses and functions – hence brain fog, confusion and anxiety.”

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