Sore throat symptoms? Nine remedies to ease the pain - including apple cider vinegar

SORE throats are very common during this time of year, but while they usually get better by themselves within a week, the pain can cause great discomfort as you go about your day-to-day life. Here are nine remedies to soothe the symptoms - including apple cider vinegar.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Health hack: 10 ways to cure a sore throat

Winter is well and truly here, and with the onset of cooler temperature and increased use of central heating comes the surge of sore throats. 

Whether it leaves you with a raspy voice or bed bound, your sore throat is sure to make you feel awful. 

Many people try to avoid the dreaded trip to the doctors when they feel soreness, despite their throat making it difficult to continue their hectic schedules. 

To help reduce the brutal side effects, nutritionist Sarah Flower has offered her FIY tips to cure this ailment in the comfort of your home.

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Sore throat symptoms? Their are a host of natural remedies that can sooth soreness

Many people try to avoid the dreaded trip to the doctors when they feel soreness, despite their throat making it difficult to continue their hectic schedules

Apple cider vinegar 

Apple cider vinegar has many natural antibacterial uses. One of the best things to do when you feel a sore throat coming on is to drink or gargle this liquid. Although offering a poor taste, the best way to drink it is straight, or with water to be able to reap the benefits of its ability to fight off your unwanted infection. 

Gargle salt Water 

For years, gargling salt water has been used as the go-to remedy for sore throat sufferers. The reason for this is because salt water helps to alkalise the mouth, flushing out the throat and washing away the germs, mucus or irritants that contribute to a sore throat. Salt also helps to draw moisture from bacteria and the swollen tissues of your throat, which can help to ease the inflammation and pain associated with a sore throat.  

Explore different teas 

Hot drinks are a great way for you to make yourself feel better and soothe your throat. Try not to stick to your same old breakfast tea, as the wide array of herbal teas on the market, such as; chamomile, clove, liquorice root, turmeric or green tea, all have properties which have been proven to help ease a sore throat. This is because the herbs often contain a type of mucilage that coats the mucus membranes in your throat, speeding up the healing process.

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Sore throat symptoms: Gargling salt water can help

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Sore throat symptoms: Comfort food could help ease the pain

Drink cold liquids 

While hot drinks are incredibly useful when soothing a sore throat, it is also important to stay hydrated in order to flush out the cold, whilst breaking down congestion and keeping your throat lubricated. Cold liquids will be useful for this, as well as sucking on ice-cubes, to help soothe your burning throat, easing the pain and reducing inflammation. 

Have some comfort food 

Everyone needs some comfort food when they feel like their body has given up on them. You should try to make bone broths when feeling like this, as bone stock is packed full of nutrients, including gelatine, collagen and a whole host of vitamins and minerals which will help to get you back on your feet. You could also try adding some garlic, as it offers powerful anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-catarrhal properties.

Soothe it

Drinking warm lemon water mixed with honey is an age-old way to soothe a sore throat. Manuka honey, especially, contains powerful antibacterial and anti-fungal properties which can also sooth and heal.  

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Sore throat symptoms: Cold liquids can help keep your throat lubricated

Gargle some baking soda

While the saltwater gargle is more commonly used, gargling baking soda mixed with salt water has also been found to help relieve a sore throat as well. This solution can also help to kill off bacteria and prevent the growth of yeast and fungi, so it would be a good idea to start gargling as soon as you see signs of an infection.

Up your zinc intake

When suffering from a sore throat, you should try to increase your intake of zinc-rich foods, such as spinach, beef or cocoa. If you don’t like these foods or have difficulty in eating enough to get adequate zinc, you could try a supplement, such as the Zinc Lozenges from Power Health ( These lozenges contain Rosehip and Acerola powder, which are both rich and natural sources of vitamin C, a well-known substance which help fight off the toughest of colds. 

Spice things up 

Cayenne pepper or hot sauces are often used for pain relief, as they are known to be natural substances which block pain receptors. Despite not yet being scientifically proven, many have also found sore throat relief when ingesting cayenne mixed with warm water and just a dash of honey. So, don’t be afraid to spice things up when you feel the unwelcoming effects of a sore throat coming your way.

If you find that after trying these remedies your sore throat persists, it is recommended that you seek medical attention. 

A sore throat could be a symptom of Aussie flu which is currently sweeping the UK. Here are the nine tell-tale signs to look out for

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