Aussie flu: Why the flu jab isn’t as effective this year - but why you would still get it

AUSSIE flu is just one of the flu strains causing havoc in the UK this year and symptoms have been described as the same as normal flu but more severe. But is the flu jab an effective form of prevention, and if not, why?

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Doctor explains how a flu shot can help prevent Aussie flu

With the UK in the grip of one of the worst flu seasons in recent decades, it’s never been more important to take care of your health to avoid catching the virus. 

The number of people dying from influenza in England and Wales has reached the highest level since a devastating flu epidemic hit the UK three years ago.

Aussie flu - the H3N2 strain of the influenza virus - is just one of the several strains circulating in the UK at the moment, and symptoms, described as more severe than normal flu, include an aching body, a dry chesty cough and a sudden fever. 

Wishing your hands regularly and throwing away tissues quickly are some of the best ways of preventing the virus from spreading

Aussie flu: Why isn't the flu jab isn’t as effective this year?GETTY

Aussie flu: Why isn't the flu jab isn’t as effective this year?

The flu jab is recommended each year to protect people from the illness - but why might it not be as effective this year?

The flu jab is also recommended each year to protect people from the illness - but why might it not be as effective this year?

Dr Sarah Jarvis explained that there are a number of issues with the flu and the vaccine this year. 

She said: “We’ve got two or three issues with the flu vaccine/flu this year. One is that sometimes the number of cases is just high - we can’t do anything about that.

“Two is that this year we’ve got two main strains circulating. One of them is the H3N2 - that’s one of the A viruses - and the point about the H3N2 is the vaccine does not appear to be as effective in terms of preventing it - even though the H3N2 is included in the vaccine. 

Aussie flu: Why isn't the flu jab isn’t as effective this year?GETTY

Aussie flu: The symptoms have been described as normal flu but more severe

Aussie flu: Why isn't the flu jab isn’t as effective this year?GETTY

Aussie flu: "The point about the H3N2 is the vaccine does not appear to be as effective"

“We’re still talking 20 to 30 per cent effectiveness, which is a great deal better than none. The second big one is a B strain and that’s called the Yamagata. Unfortunately the adult vaccine does not protect against the Yamagata.

“You get some cross protection in the vaccine from another B strain but it’s not provided at the same levels.”

Dr Jarvis still recommends people get the flu jab. 

She said: “I’d absolutely tell people to get it. I particularly advise the people who are advised to get it [over 65s, pregnant women and those with chronic conditions like diabetes, lung and heart disease] because they are the ones, not just most likely to get it, but most likely to get nasty complications. 

Aussie flu: Why isn't the flu jab isn’t as effective this year?GETTY

Aussie flu: Dr Jarvis still recommends people get the flu jab

“I also recommend kids get it  as they’re very good at spreading it about. 

“When you get the jab it’s not just protecting you but other people.”

So how’s best to treat flu if you have it? 

To help you get better more quickly, the NHS advises you to: 

  • Rest and sleep 
  • Keep warm 
  • Take paracetamol or ibuprofen to lower your temperature and treat aches and pains 
  • Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration (your pee should be light yellow or clear)

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