How to get rid of a chesty, dry or tickly cough: Drink tea containing this aromatic herb

COUGH season is upon us, and while it will usually go away within three weeks on its own, there are a variety of remedies to ease a chesty, dry or tickly cough. One proven remedy is drinking hot water with the addition of thyme leaves.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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Cough remedies, as recommended by the NHS, include rest and drinking plenty of fluids.

A pharmacist may also prescribe you cough medicine to help ease symptoms of a specific type of cough.

But some people prefer more natural remedies, such as hot water with lemon and honey.

Some studies suggest drinking hot water with thyme leaves can assist respiratory illnesses.

Cough remedies: Banish a chesty, dry or tickly cough with tea containing thymeGETTY

Cough remedies: Banish a chesty, dry or tickly cough with tea containing thyme

Some studies suggest drinking hot water with thyme leaves can assist respiratory illnesses

One study published on NCBI, suggests that the essence extracted form thyme leaves mixed with ivy can help relive coughing as well as short-term bronchitis. 

The leaves contain compounds called flavonoids that relax the throat muscles involved in coughing and lessen inflammation.

Healthline suggests making thyme tea using two teaspoons of crushed thyme leaves and one cup of boiling water.

You should then cover the cup, let it stew for 10 minutes, then strain.

Cough remedies: Banish a chesty, dry or tickly cough with tea containing thymeGETTY

Cough remedies: Thyme leaves contain compounds called flavonoids that relax the throat muscles

Cough remedies: Banish a chesty, dry or tickly cough with tea containing thymeGETTY

Cough remedies: Make the tea with two teaspoons of crushed thyme leaves and one cup of boiling water

Marshmallow root supplements could help to relieve signs of the condition, studies have claimed. 

“For anyone suffering from a sore throat, cough or cold, marshmallow root can be taken orally to reduce pain, swelling and congestion,” said nutritionist Dr Josh Axe.

“Its antitussive properties and mucilage abilities allow it to decrease irritation of the throat, reduce swelling in the lymph nodes, speed up healing time and reduce aggravating dry coughing.

“This is exactly the reason that marshmallow extract is added to many cough syrups and throat lozenges.

Cough remedies: Banish a chesty, dry or tickly cough with tea containing thymeGETTY

Cough remedies: Marshmallow root supplements could also help to relieve a cough

“It’s one of the most effective natural cough remedies.”

How can you specifically get rid of a chesty cough

Dr Andrew Thornber, chief medical officer at the Now Healthcare Group, has recommended the best way to cure this type of cough - and it involves hot water and one other ingredient.

He said: “Hot water and honey is usually as good a remedy as most over the counter cough medicines.”

But Dr Thornber added that, if you can, chat your pharmacist to talk about your symptoms and find one suitable for you.

What if you’ve got a mucus cough

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