Cancer symptoms: Seven signs the mole on your skin could be cancerous

CANCER symptoms can be hard to detect, particular because many are similar to those of less serious health conditions. With skin cancer, the most common sign is the appearance of a new mole or a change in an existing one. You should see a doctor straight away if this is the case, or if your mole shows any of these seven signs.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

What are the signs and symptoms of skin cancer?

Skin cancer symptoms are usually very visible, as they most commonly occur on the surface of the skin.

You are likely to notice an abnormal change to an area of your skin, and this is the best indicator of the disease.

The most common sign of melanoma - a type of skin cancer - is the appearance of a new mole or a change in an existing mole.

This can occur anywhere on the body, but the most commonly affected areas are the back in men and the legs in women.

The earlier a melanoma is found, the easier it is to treat, so here are seven mole changes to look out for, according to Cancer Research UK.

Cancer symptoms: Seven signs the mole on your skin could be cancerous GETTY

Cancer symptoms: There are seven signs the mole on your skin could be cancerous

Skin cancer symptoms are usually very visible, as they most commonly occur on the surface of the skin

The charity says if your mole gets bigger, changes shape, changes colour, loses symmetry, itches or is painful, bleeds or become crusts, or looks inflamed, you should see your doctor straight away.

It adds: “Moles with three or more different sides of brown or black are particularly likely to be melanoma.

“If you have a dark area under a nail that is getting bigger and is not due to an injury you should also see your doctor.

“Looking at photographs of abnormal moles and melanomas may help you to recognise what is not normal. Remember though, that not normal for you is what counts.”

Melanoma is caused by skin cells that begin to develop abnormally. Exposure to ultraviolet light from the sun is thought to cause most melanomas, but there is evidence to suggest that some may result from subbed exposure, states the NHS.

Cancer symptoms: Seven signs the mole on your skin could be cancerous GETTY

Cancer symptoms: Look out for a mole getting bigger or changing shape

The health body adds: “The type of sun exposure that causes melanoma is sudden intense exposure – for example, while on holiday, which leads to sunburn.”

It says certain things can increase your chances of developing melanoma, such as having lots of moles or freckles, pale skin that burns easily, red or blonde hair, and a close family member who has had melanoma.

It is not always preventable, but you can reduce you chances of developing it by avoiding getting sunburned.

You can help protect yourself from sun damage by using sunscreen and dressing sensibly in the sun.

Sunbeams and sunlamps should be avoided, and regularly checking your skin can help lead to an early diagnosis.

Cancer symptoms: Seven signs the mole on your skin could be cancerous GETTY

Cancer symptoms: If a mole bleeds or becomes crusty it could be a sign

This month makes bowel cancer awareness week, and as one of the most common types of cancer diagnosed in the UK, it is important to recognise all the signs.

Discomfort or bloating is one of the signs, but this can also be a symptom of discomfort or bloating brought on by eating.

Bleeding from your bottom and/or blood in your poo can be another indicator of bowel cancer, but it can also be a sign of less serious health condition haemorrhoids.

Also known as piles, haemorrhoids are swellings containing enlarged blood vessels found inside or around the bottom, and can also cause bleeding after passing a stool.

You should see your GP if you experience any of the symptoms of bowel cancer, but what exactly should you be looking for in your poo

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