Diabetes type 2 symptoms: Avoid drinking this type of coffee to control blood sugar levels

DIABETES type 2 symptoms, if left untreated, can lead to more serious health problems, such as kidney disease. Eating a healthy, balanced is one of the best ways of preventing the condition and keeping blood sugar levels normal. But some foods and drinks should be avoided, including certain types of coffee.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Diabetes: The difference between Type 1 and Type 2

Diabetes type 2 symptoms can include increased third and hunger, frequent urination, unexplained weight loss, fatigue and blurred vision.

These signs are not always obvious, but if the condition is left untreated it can cause serious long-term health problems.

The longer you have diabetes, and the less controlled your blood sugar, the higher the risk of complications.

The foods you choose to eat in your daily diet can make a big difference, whether you are living with diabetes or not.

Diabetes UK says the key to managing and preventing diabetes is a balanced diet.

Diabetes type 2 symptoms can include increased third and hunger, frequent urination, unexplained weight loss, fatigue and blurred vision

Certain foods have been found to make blood sugar levels spike, and for this reason they should be avoided.

Coffee has been linked to several health benefits, including a reduced risk of diabetes.

But, flavoured coffee drinks should be viewed as a liquid dessert, rather than a healthy beverage, according to nutritionists at Healthline.

The site states: “Studies have shown your brain doesn’t process liquid and solid foods similar. When you drink calories, you don’t compensate by eating less late, potentially leading to weight gain.

“Flavoured coffee drinks are also loaded with carbs. Even ‘light’ versions contain enough carbs to significantly raise your blood sugar levels.”

Diabetes type 2 symptoms: Avoid drinking this type of coffee to control blood sugar levels GETTY

Diabetes type 2 symptoms: Avoid drinking this type of coffee to control blood sugar levels

Diabetes type 2 symptoms: Avoid drinking this type of coffee to control blood sugar levels GETTY

Diabetes type 2 symptoms: The signs, including frequent urination, are not always obvious

To keep your blood sugar under control and prevent weight gain, Healthline advises you choose plain coffee or espresso with tablespoon of heavy cream or half and half.

Starchy foods, such as potatoes, meat, fish, eggs, pulses, beans and nuts are recommended for a diabetes type 2 diet

While people with diabetes try to minimise their intake of sugar, other sweeteners can also cause blood sugar spikes. More natural sugars such as popular toast topper honey, can have this effect, according to nutritionists at Healthline. Agave nectar and maple syrup fall into the same category.

The site states: “Although these sweeteners aren’t highly processed, they contain at least as many carbs as white sugar. In fact, most contain even more.

“Your best strategy is to avoid all forms of sugar and use natural low-carb sweeteners instead.”

Diabetes type 2 symptoms: Avoid drinking this type of coffee to control blood sugar levels GETTY

Diabetes type 2 symptoms: Avoid favoured coffee

Fruit and vegetables are a good choice - everyone should eat at least five portions a day, as recommended by health guidelines. But a certain type of fruit should be avoided.

While fruit is a great source of several important vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C and potassium, dried fruit should be avoided.

Health line explains: “When fruit is dried, the process results in a loss of water that leads to even higher concentrations of these nutrients.

“Unfortunately, its sugar content becomes more concentrated as well.

“One cup of grapes contains 27 grams of carbs, including 1 gram of fibre. By contrast, one cup of raisins contains 115 grams of carbs, 5 of which come from fibre.

“Therefore, raisins contain more than three times as many carbs as grapes do. Other types of dried fruit are similarly higher in carbs when compared to fresh fruit.”

The longer you have diabetes, and the less controlled your blood sugar, the higher the risk of complications.

Some of the complications can be disabling or even life-threatening. The NHS outlines the complications that can occur

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