Stomach bloating: Nine foods to eat to banish a swollen belly and excess wind

STOMACH bloating is often caused by certain foods in a person's diet. For example, fizzy drinks are well-known culprit for causing a swollen belly. So what should you eat to stop or reduce bloating and get rid of excess wind?

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Doctor Oz explains top causes of stomach bloating

Bloating is often caused by certain things in a person's diet. For example, fizzy drinks are well-known culprit for causing an uncomfortable feeling.

Gas or trapped air in the abdomen usually causes bloating, and there are certain foods that can promote this.

The NHS recommends cutting down on foods known to cause excess wind and bloating - and there are six to be watchful of.

Beans, onions, broccoli, cabbage, sprouts and cauliflower are all known for causing these symptoms.

So what should you replace these foods to help reduce or even stop bloating? Health experts at Healthline offer some alternatives.

Gas or trapped air in the abdomen usually causes bloating, and there are certain foods that can promote this

Beans swap

Most beans contain sugars called alpha-galactoside, which belong to a group of carbohydrates called FODMAPs. These escape digestion and are then fermented by gut bacteria in the colon. Gas is a byproduct of this process.

But some beans are easier on the digestive system, the website states.

It goes on to recommend pinto beans and black beans, especially after soaking.

Onions swap

Cooking onions may help reduce their bloating effects, advises Healthline.

But if you’re looking for an alternative, try using fresh herbs or spices.

Stomach bloating: Nine foods to eat to banish a swollen belly and excess wind

Stomach bloating: There are nine foods to eat to banish a swollen belly and excess wind (Image: GETTY)

Stomach bloating: Nine foods to eat to banish a swollen belly and excess wind

Stomach bloating: Swap broccoli for cucumber (Image: GETTY)

Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables swap

Cruciferous vegetables include cauliflower, cabbage, garden, cress, bok choy and Brussels sprouts, and while they contain many essential nutrients, they also contain FODMAPS.

Healthline says cooking cruciferous vegetables may make them easier to digest, but you can swap them for spinach, cucumber, lettuce, sweet potatoes and zucchini.

You may want to cut down on your consumption of onions, broccoli, cabbage, sprouts and cauliflower if you want to reduce bloating, but you should still make sure to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.

For some people, bloating is more than an occasional inconvenience. It could also be due to excess wind, constipation, swallowing air (from talking while eating etc), coeliac disease, food intolerance, and irritable bowel syndrome

Stomach bloating: Nine foods to eat to banish a swollen belly and excess wind

Stomach bloating: Lettuce is also a good alternative to broccoli (Image: GETTY)

If it’s a food intolerance causing your excess wind and bloating, a common sign to look for is your bowel not emptying properly.

The food causes gas to be trapped and too much gas is produced as a reaction to the food.

Wheat or gluten and dairy products are the usual culprits where a food intolerance is concerned, and the best way to beat it is to cut down on the foods or cut them out completely.

The best way to work out if you have a food intolerance is to keep a food diary for a couple of weeks, noting if certain foods and drinks cause you bloating troubles.

If you are thinking about cutting a particular food group out long-term you should first get advice from your GP.

The hot weather could also be to blame for your bloating

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