How to sleep: Make sure you get the correct amount of rest at night and do this before bed

HOW TO sleep: with many of us laying awake at night working about things such as money, work and family, getting the correct amount of sleep your body requires can be a challenge. Lack of sleep can have a detrimental effect on a person’s health, as well as their life expectancy. So how can your ensure a interruption-free slumber?

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Sleep Expert Sammy Margo talks best sleeping positions

Sleep is important when it comes to our physical health - not having enough can put you in a bad mood and result in lack of focus.

If poor sleep becomes a recurring thing, you can be at risk of serious medical conditions such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes, according to the NHS.

Stress & Relaxation expert, Carole Spiers, suggests four things you can do to help wind down before bed, which will help you get your forty-winks. She focuses on the physical, behavioural and emotional aspects of sleep.

Her first tip is to try taking a hot bath

She said: “A warm bath can help you ease the day’s stress ahead of bed time, and the heat held your body prepare for sleep and relax bath your muscles and mind.

Sleep is important when it comes to our physical health - not having enough can put you in a bad mood and result in lack of focus

“But try to leave sometime between getting out of the bath and going to bed.”

The second tip is to hide your clock

Carole said if you’re lying awake and feeling the hours slip away, turn the clock away or move it to a different room completely (so long as you can hear your alarm).

She added: “Seeing time move on will increase your anxiety about sleeplessness - that will keep you awake longer.”

Thirdly, write down your thoughts

How to sleep: Make sure you get the correct amount of rest at night and do this before bed

How to sleep: Make sure you get the correct amount of rest at night and do this before bed (Image: GETTY)

How to sleep: Make sure you get the correct amount of rest at night and do this before bed

How to sleep: Try taking a hot bath (Image: GETTY)

Carole explained: “Sometimes we find ourselves lying awake with an endless amount of worries on our mind.

“Writing them down in a notebook before turning out the light will help you ‘let go’ of these problems before going to bed and allow you to stop thinking about the important tasks to be done tomorrow.”

Finally, make a sleep diary

Our breathing is linked to our parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes a state of calmness, according to Carole.

Her advice: “If you’re feeling stressed, particularly when having a sleepless night, try focusing on your breathing: breath deeply and slowly, and try and make each inhale to act for at least four seconds through the nose and exhale for seven seconds through the mouth.”

How to sleep: Make sure you get the correct amount of rest at night and do this before bed

How to sleep: Hiding your clock before bed can also help (Image: GETTY)

Phenergran Night Time stresses the importance of sleep hygiene, which isn’t to do with how clean something is, but what’s in the environment in which you sleep in.

For example, having your window open might encourage sound and light pollution in your bedroom, keeping you awake.

The experts of the short-term treatment of insomnia also say the light from your phone can restrict the production of melatonin, the hormone that controls your sleep/wake cycle.

It advises: “Try putting down your phone 30 minutes before bed, or keeping it in another room.”

Sleep expert Dr Neil Stanley has established what to do in the 30 minutes before bed to help you re-establish a good sleep routine

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