How to live longer: Eating this popular Japanese ingredient can improve life expectancy

HOW TO live longer: There are some simple actions you can take to increase your odds of a longer and more satisfying lifespan. Research over the years has found some simple changes to your lifestyle, such as what you eat, can increase your life expectancy. One food recommended by experts to include in you diet is soya protein - but how much and how often should you eat it?

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Study suggests nuts can help you live LONGER

How to live longer is a question many people start to ask themselves as they get old.

Quitting smoking can cut your risk of dying from cancer related to smoking and slash your risk of stroke.

And alongside exercise, eating a healthy, balanced diet is crucial to helping you live longer, according to the NHS.

One food recommended by medical consultant Dr Sarah Brewer and dietitian Juliette Kellow is soya protein.

Soya is a popular food in Japan, the country with the highest life expectancy according to the World Health Organization.

Alongside exercise, eating a healthy, balanced diet is crucial to helping you live longer

Studies also show soya can lower cholesterol and ease hot flushes, and may protect against breast cancer and osteoporosis.

So what are the best sources of soya protein, how much should you have and how often should you eat it?

In their book titled ‘Eat Better Live Longer’, Dr Brewer and Ms Kellow say you should enjoy 25g of soya protein daily.

Edamame contains 9.5g of soya protein in an 80g serving.

There’s 1.9g in 1tbsp of miso, 4.8g in 200ml of soy milk, 6g in 150g of soya yoghurt and 9g in 100g of firm tofu.

How to live longer: Eating this much soya protein daily can increase your life expectancy

How to live longer: Soya protein has been proven to extend life expectancy (Image: GETTY)

How to live longer: Eating this much soya protein daily can increase your life expectancy

How to live longer: Soya is popular in Japan, a country known for high life expectancy (Image: GETTY)

The duo go on to list tofu’s numerous health benefits.

Breast cancer protection

In the past there were concerns that isoflavones in soya might promote tumour growth, but newer research suggests soy products may protect against breast cancer.

Dr Brewer and Ms Kellow added: “Studies based in Asian countries have confirmed that higher intakes of soya products seem to reduce the risk of the disease by about a third in pre- and post-menopausal women."

Decrease the risk of prostate cancer

The pair explained: “Compared with Western countries, the incidence of prostate cancer is much lower in Asian countries where soya is regularly eaten.

How to live longer: Eating this much soya protein daily can increase your life expectancy

How to live longer: Eat 25g of soya protein daily (Image: GETTY)

“Isoflavones are phyto-oestrogens and these seem to slow down the growth of cancer cells.”

Heart friendly

Soya proteins known to reduce LDL (bas) cholesterol and triglycerides (a type of fat in blood). Other studies suggest isoflavones in soya improve artery health; plus replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats is beneficial for the heart.

Dr Brewer and Ms Kellow added: “A large study found those women who ate soya foods at least five times a week were a third less likely to die of cardiovascular disease than those who ate it twice a week or less.

“In another study of 65,000 postmenopausal Chinese women, those with the highest intakes of soya protein had an 86 per cent lower risk of having a non-fatal heart attack than those with the lowest intakes.”

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