Stop sweating: What time of day to apply deodorant - and it's not the morning

STOP sweating: Britons have been sweltering this week as temperatures reached over 30C in some parts of the UK. The hot weather is a good excuse to get out and about, but a problem everyone has to contend with is sweating. It’s normal to sweat, but some people sweat more than others. So what can you do to help your body cool down? Applying deodorant in the morning could be where you’re going wrong.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Sweating in excessive amounts is a common problem which can affect people in different ways.

It’s normal to sweat and it can happen for no apparent reason, but some people may find it embarrassing or how they go about their daily routine more difficult.

An obvious solution to prevent sweating is to wear deodorant, and applying it after the morning shower is a standard part of each day for many people.

But putting antiperspirant on in the morning could be where you’re going wrong.

Research suggests deodorant should be applied during the evening before bed to be most effective.

It’s normal to sweat and it can happen for no apparent reason, but some people may find it embarrassing or how they go about their daily routine more difficult

A study cited in journal The Dermatologist, studied women aged between 18 and 65.

It found people who used antiperspirants at night had a much higher reduction in sweat rates after three, seven and ten days than women who used the products in the morning.

More research is required surrounding the subject, but those who lead the study inferred it was because the deodorant had time to “set” in the pores while the person was sleeping.

Speaking to Mail Online, consultant dermatologist Dr Nick Low said: “It is logical enough.

“If you apply antiperspirant in the morning, when you are more likely to sweat as a result of emotional triggers such as stress, the product will just be washed straight off.”

Stop sweating: What time of day to apply deodorant to banish bad odour (not the morning)

Stop sweating: What time of day to apply deodorant? (Image: GETTY)

Stop sweating: What time of day to apply deodorant to banish bad odour (not the morning)

Stop sweating: Many people apply deodorant in the morning (Image: GETTY)

The expert further explained applying anti-ageing products may be more effective at night too.

He added: “This allows the cream to do its work without being affected by such things as weather and pollution”

The NHS recommends three methods to stop sweating.


Wear loose-fitting clothes to minimise signs of sweating.

Avoid tight clothes or man-made fabrics - for example, nylon.

Stop sweating: What time of day to apply deodorant to banish bad odour (not the morning)

Stop sweating: Applying deodorant at night before bed can be more effective (Image: GETTY)

What to wear on your feet

Wear socks that absorb moisture and change your socks at least twice a day if possible.

Avoid wearing enclosed boots or sports shoes that may cause your feet to sweat more.

Wear leather shoes and try to wear different shoes day to day.

Food and drink

Avoid doing things that might make your sweating worse, for example, drinking alcohol or eating spicy food.

Eating too much ice cream - a summer staple treat - could actually be causing you to sweat even more, it’s been claimed.

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