Couple’s dog on ‘death row’ after being MISTAKEN for a pit bull terrier

A COUPLE have voiced their devastation over their staffie cross labrador being taken away from them after he was mistaken for a pit bull terrier - a banned breed.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Vet Roger Mugford talks about his 'pitbull' Bella

Leonard Collins and Joanne Meadows from Belfast appeared on today’s episode of This Morning and told Eammon Holmes and Ruth Langsford all about the battle they’re currently fighting to have their dog Hank taken out of custody. 

The couple have had Hank since he was a puppy, but he was recently taken away by Belfast City Council, who believe him to be a dangerous breed, and he now faces being destroyed. 

Leonard said: “The mistake comes within the grey area of the legislation. The legislation is so abstract.”

He went on to explain they got Hank from a friend of a friend, and that the council are now doing tests to find out if Hank is a pit bull. 


Leonard Collins and Joanne Meadows are deeply upset about Hank being taken away

And he believes the confusion over Hank’s breed has been mixed-up with his puppy behaviour. 

He said: “He’s technically still a puppy. He isn’t two years old. He barks at people int he street which is something we’re working to remove. 

“But he’s never attacked anybody or shown aggressive behaviour.” 

Vet Roger Mugford was also on the show talking about his view on this kind of mistake. 

He said: “Thousands of dogs have been seized, and studies in the USA state a quarter of dogs seized for being pit bull types have no relatedness to a pit bull. 


Hank, who's been taken away by Belfast City Council


The couple spoke on This Morning

“This goes back to the worst kind of racial stereotyping of humans, but this time applied to dogs.” 

Leonard and Joanne went on to talk about how in Belfast there’s a particular problem with dogs, with there being more dog fouling and more stray dogs around on the streets. 

The couple have gathered a lot of support online over this, and a petition to save Hank now has 100,000 signatures. 

Eammon said Belfast City Council stated: “Our principle duty is protecting the health and safety of the public. The dog known as Hank has been taken into assessment. No decision has been made yet.” 

The couple believe Hank is not being walked at the kennels he’s currently at, but the council have said he’s been “extremely” well looked after and that all his medical needs have been met. 

Hank ITV

Vet Roger Mugford also spoke on the show

Joanne said: “It’s been very tough. Hank was an essential part of our lives. What has kept us going is the support and various campaigns of friends and family members.” 

In a couple of weeks the couple are due to find out Hank’s fate. 

Roger ended the segment on This Morning saying: “These dogs have done nothing wrong, it’s just the way they look. 

“The people who do these assessments have little training in anatomy and breeds. It’s a creaky system which is ceasing these dogs and the dogs aren’t well looked after in the kennels.”

This comes after a couple explained why they're against giving their children medicine.

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