How many sexual partners is TOO many? The optimum number for singles revealed

BRITISH singles want their new partner to have had no more than 23 previous partners, but no less than three, according to new research.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise


The optimum number of previous sexual partners is 12

It’s the elephant in the room for many a budding relationship, but a new study has finally discovered the optimum number of previous sexual partners for British singles.

This comes after the best and worst places to be single in the UK was revealed.

According to the research, British singletons deem more than 23 previous sexual partners and less than three as a turn-off, which makes 12 the optimum number of previous partners.

The study was carried out by dating experts Match, who also found a wide discrepancy in the preferences of males and females.


The study was carried out by dating experts Match

Women believe their ideal partner should only have had ten previous lovers (a minimum of three and a maximum of 16), while men are happy for a new love interest to be more experienced.

British men said they would expect a new partner to have had a minimum of four and a maximum of 27 previous partners, making 15 their ideal number.

Brits were somewhat more conservative in their outlook than their European neighbours.

The Danes were Europe’s most permissive lovers, saying that it would take a sexual history of more than 40 partners to put them off someone.


Women believe their ideal partner should only have had ten previous lovers

The Spanish (27), Germans (26) and French (24) were similarly liberal, but both Italy and the Netherlands had lower thresholds than in the UK.

Different regions of the UK also held drastically different views on the subject.

Singles in London were seeking those with a minimum of six and maximum of 27 previous sexual partners (an average of 16), whereas those in the North East want a partner with no less than two and no more than 14 (an average of just eight).

Match dating expert Kate Taylor said: “Sex is so much more than a numbers game.


British men said they would expect a new partner to have had a minimum of four and a maximum of 27

“A small number doesn’t equate to a lack of experience - couples who stay together for longer (instead of changing partners) can often experiment more than those who simply have a lot of one-night stands.

“But equally, a very high number of partners might suggest a lack of commitment, or someone who loves the thrill of the chase.

“Whatever you or your partner’s numbers might be, there are three simple rules. 1 - get your sexual health checked regularly, 2 - only have sex when you’re absolutely ready and 3 - don’t demand to know anyone else’s number - it’s a private matter.”

Legendary Lotharios include Giacomo Casanova - whose name is now anonymous with a busy sex life - who listed 120 lovers in his memoirs and Fidel Castro, who reportedly racked up more than 35,000 conquests doing his more than four decades in charge of Cuba.

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