Are these the WORST road markings in Britain? Red faced council worker's hilarious typos

COUNCIL workers made a hilarious mistake when marking out a pedestrian crossing by spelling ‘look EEFT’ - but it’s not the first time typos have been made.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Road sign CATERS

Are these the worst road markings you've ever seen?

The gaffe was spotted in New Malden, Surrey, by bemused residents. 

The markings - on Thetford Road - appear at a T junction and are presumably supposed to prompt pedestrians to look left before crossing the road. 

But it’s not the first time councils have been left red faced from blunders like this. 

In Herefordshire, Highways England were forced to apologise after wonky central road marking baffled drivers. 

Road sign CATERS

Cycle bollards with painted lines to show cyclists and pedestrians where to navigate in Loughborough

In Stafford, motorists were unsure which way they were heading onto the M6 when a worker misspelled ‘North’. 

Drivers were left scratching their head when a Severn Trent employee repainted the road marking to say ‘M6 Nouth’ after he’d finished a job. 

Jonathan Smith, a spokesman for Severn Trent Water, said: “The sign was painted in haste on Tuesday. 

“Obviously we’re not proud of it. The guys were under a lot of pressure to get it done quickly.” 

Sainsbury’s store workers in Doncaster, Yorkshire, went marking mad after writing ‘petrel’ in front of a filling station.

Road sign CATERS

The space is large enough for a person to fit inside of it in Carlisle, Cumbria

Road sign CATERS

Spelling error on a petrol marking at a Sainsburys filling station in Doncaster

Instead of doubling ‘petrol’ on the floor with an arrow to lead motorists to the fuel station, bungling workers mixed-up the word with the name for a seabird. 

Shoppers were left in a flap when they spotted the error and images of the mistake fuelled a torrent of responses from customers. 

The anonymous shopper who revealed the mistake said: “Seabirds straight ahead. You had one job.” 

But as well as hilarious typos, dozy council employees have been known to create tiny parking spaces and pointless cycle lanes. 

Residents on St Aidan’s Road, Carlisle, were faced with a parking bay that was too small even for a classic Mini. 

Road sign CATERS

A mispelled road sign spelled Look Eeft instead of Look Left in New Malden, Surrey

The space measured up at just 140cm in length which is the size of the smallest car ever made - the Peel P50 from the 1960s. 

When quizzed over the bizarre parking spot, a spokesperson for Cumbria Country Council said: “Cumbria Country Council can confirm the new road markings on St Aidan’s Road in Carlisle are correct with respect to compliance of the order. 

“The parking bays commence at the end of the double yellow ‘no waiting at any time’ restriction, which is the correct layout. 

“The white bar marking (which is advisory) is provided to deter people from obstructing the access, but allows the property owner or visitors to the property to park there is they wish and have the appropriate permit.”

This comes after a man came dangerously close to a bear and demonstrated exactly what not to do. 

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