McDonald’s worker displays SELFLESS act helping old man across the road while on shift

THIS is the moment a kind-hearted McDonald’s employee walked off shift to help an elderly man across the road - because his parents told him to “look after people, especially as they get older”.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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Jonathan Mitchell has been praised for his act of kindness in helping an old man cross the road

Jonathan Mitchell’s act of kindness was caught on camera by housewife and mum-of-five Michelle Griffiths in Eltham, south east London, at 6.30pm on September 19. 

Michelle, also from Eltham was being driven to the supermarket by her daughter’s boyfriend when they pulled up at the traffic lights and watched the heart-warming scene unfold. 

Crew member Jonathan, 23, from Charlton, south-east London, said the man who he believed was in his late 70s was a customer who visited daily. 

He said: “When I was growing up my parents always told me to look after people especially when they get older. 

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The McDonald's team in Eltham always make sure the regular has a good experience when he visits

“Some may not have family members around all the time and need extra help when they’re out and about. 

“He’s a regular and we all make sure that he has a good experience when he visits.” 

Michelle, 45, said: “We were stopped in traffic and I saw the Mcdonald’s worker helping an old man across the road, I took a picture as it was such a sweet moment. 

“We were only there for about two minutes, but as soon as the man had crossed the road the McDonald’s worker put his hand up to thank traffic. 

“I just thought it was so cute, such a sweet thing to do and a really nice thing to see. 

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Michelle, an onlooker, described the incident as

“It was just a pure act of kindness for him to go out of his way to help the man, he seemed a really nice guy. 

“It’s nice to know there are people like that out there.” 

Jonathan, who won employee of the month in August, said that he felt it was his civic duty to help those in need and was helping the pensioner cross the road and get into his taxi safely. 

He said: “I just think that in general we should take care of the elderly and make sure they are ok. 

“I’m quite proud that I’ve helped someone to get home but it’s something that I, and other staff members do.”

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Jonathan won employe of the month in August

A McDonald’s spokesman said: “We are really pleased with the attitude and kindness Jonathan showed towards this customer. 

“He is well known to our restaurant staff and each time he comes into our restaurant special care is given to ensure he is comfortable and that he leaves safely. 

“Our restaurant team are testament to the brilliant and caring young people we employ up and down the country and we look forward to welcoming this gentleman back in store soon.”

This comes after it was revealed which fast food fries are the worst for you. 

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