Farm worker tries to open barn door but is sent flying after THIS happens

SHOCKING footage has revealed the moment a farm worker was sent flying after a barn door he was trying to open got caught in the wind.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

Hilarious moment farmer sent flying in the wind

The clip starts off with the young man struggling to pull open a barn door on a wet and windy day. 

He tries to grip on to the barn door handle but struggles, slipping around in the wet mud. 

Several attempts later the man injures his thumb so has to pull away. 

He gives his hand a quick shake and sucks his thumb to ease the pain. 

FarmDeadline News

The video was uploaded to social media to warn other farmers

Then just as he’s about to give the door another go, it begins to open on its own. 

He seizes his chance, and grabs on to the door to pull it open properly. 

He gets on the other side of the door to push it open, but as he gets half way disaster strikes. 

A combination of the slippery mud and a huge gust of wind causes the man to lose his balance. 

FarmDeadline News

The farm worker struggles for some time at the beginning to open the barn door

He’s then dragged by the door several metres, loses his grip and slams into the other side of the barn. 

Although the man is able to stand back up he can be seen nursing his ankle. 

Thankfully, the man was not badly injured during the incident and laughing can be heard from the person behind the camera. 

The video was posted on social media alongside a warning to other farmers and has been viewed more than one million times. 

FarmDeadline News

The barn door gets caught by a huge gust of wind and the man goes flying

It was uploaded to Facebook with the caption: “Winter is here lads. Please watch out for these gates as they’re a death trap and we all have them in our yards. 

“The person in the video was okay after. Please share around to spread the word.” 

One Facebook user commented: “Sliding doors on the new shed needed.” 

This comes after a shocking moment revelled a mum letting her seven-year-old son drive a car.

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