What causes swollen ankles? Changes to your FEET could be trying to tell you something

WHAT causes swollen ankles, pitted toenails, extremely dry feet and other changes to the appearance of our feet?

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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What are the causes of a lot of common foot problems?

You may not think much of it, but this could be a way of your body signalling you may have health concerns elsewhere in your body. 

A host of experts have suggested what your common foot problems are trying to tell you and how to treat it. 

Swollen ankles 

Have you noticed that your ankles are looking puffy, but just put it down to being on your feet all day? This could be a sign of Odema, which means you have an excess of watery fluid collecting in the body. 

Jimmy Osborne, leg health expert at Active Healthcare, said: “Odema and general swelling of the legs can often go down naturally, for example at the end of the day once you’ve put your feet up. However, if the condition persists, visit your GP who may prescribe you compressions stockings, such as the Unisex Sock from Activa Healthcare. 

“Compression hosiery is designed to provide the right amount of graduated compression on the legs helping to improve the blood flow and prevent accumulation of fluid in the tissue, which so often leads to swelling and discomfort.” 

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Pitted toenails can be a sign of psoriasis

Pitted toenails

Have you noticed that you have pitted toenails, but just thought it was ‘one of those things?’ This could in fact be a sign of psoriasis, a common chronic condition of the skin. 

If you are suffering from psoriasis, keep your skin nourished and hydrated the natural way. Nutritionist Cassandra Barns said: “Keeping the skin moist and nourished from the outside is crucial, as it can bring instant relief from itchiness and discomfort. However emollient creams that are often recommended by doctors and pharmacists, rarely provide long-term relief. 

“What’s more, they can even irritate already inflamed skin, as very often they contain chemicals, such as chlorocresol and cetearyl alcohol. Instead, try a natural cream or balm, such as What Skin Needs Skin Balm, which contains a blend of natural ingredients including Plantolin, an extract from an Australian indigenous plant. This powerful ingredient along withAloe Vera exact and tea tree essential oil can help to manage skin conditions by reducing inflammation and oxidative damage. The formula as a whole is designed to reduce irritation, soothe and repair dry and damaged skin.”

Extremely dry feet

Your feet may simply be dry from non-moisturising soap, excessively hot showers or baths or from ageing - we natural lose moisture in the skin as we age. However, excessively dry skin could be a sign of poor blood circulation due to peripheral arterial disease. The arteries harden as a result of plaque building up in them. 

Your feet may also be trying to tell you that you are suffering from Athletes Foot. 

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Extremely dry feet can be a sign of poor blood circulation - peripheral arterial disease

Firstly, to help combat against dry skin, and to determine if there is actually another underlying issue, apply an emollient foot cream to the feet daily, for example Carnation’s Intensive Moisturising Foot Cream. 

Carnation Footcare Podiatrist, Michael Ratcliffe, said: “Research reports that callouses, corns, dry skin and heel skin fissures are less hydrated and less elastic than unaffected normal skin, so moisturising the skin daily restores hydration and elasticity reducing the build-up of skin conditions. 

“I’d suggest then gently reducing hard skin before it develops into cracked and painful reassuring Carnation’s Silky Feet Hard Skin Remover. If the hard skin becomes painful then consult with your doctor or podiatrist.” 


Do you often suffer from cramps? They have a habit of flaring up at the worst times from trying on a new pair of shoes, to when you’re in a nice deep sleep. Think you’re just dehydrated and need to drink more water? This might be the case, or it could symbolise that you’re deficient in magnesium, calcium or potassium. 

Cassandra said: “Try taking a magnesium supplement in the evening, which may help to prevent cramps and improve sleep. Try Natures Plus KalmAssure Magnesium Powder. Calcium is found in dairy products but don’t forget that you can also get enough calcium from dark green leafy vegetables like broccoli, fish with bones, tofu, nuts, seeds and oranges. 

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Foot cramps could be a sign you're deficient in magnesium

“Vitamin D is necessary for healthy bones because it increases calcium absorption. Much of our vitamin D synthesised in our skin on exposure to sunlight - however we may also need additional supplies in our diet. Dietary traces of vitamin D include avocado, egg yolks, butter and fish oil.” 

Cold feet 

Ice cold tootsies? If you feel like your feet are cold all the time, it could be that your thyroid is not working properly, and therefore it may not be producing enough hormones to regulate your metabolism. A side effect of this condition cane that your body’s ability to generate heat is affected and that’s why your hands and feet may always be cold. 

To help keep your feet toasty, make sure you choose the right socks. Michael said: “During the winter months our extremities, such as our feet tend to suffer the most from the cold. It’s really important to keep your feet well insulated during this time. 

“Unfortunately woolly socks may keep our feet warm, but they tend to make our feet swear more. For toasty, fresh feet this Christmas I would recommend Carnation Footcare’s Silversocks. 

“Silver socks are made with pure silver threads. These unique fibres act as a natural heat thermostat, regulating foot temperature and helping to keep toes toasty when the temperature drops. The silver will not wash our or lose its thermal and antibacterial properties over time, so will keep your feet warm from winter to winter.” 

This comes after it was revealed poor hygiene could be to plame for contagious fungal nail infections.

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