The 12 SCAMS of Christmas: Credit card dupes and FAKE Apple chargers

SCAMS you should make sure to avoid this Christmas have been revealed by consumer expert Alice Beer.

By Katrina Turrill, Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

This Morning: The scams you need to avoid this ChristmasITV

This Morning: The scams you need to avoid this Christmas

Appearing on This Morning, Alice said there are 12 scams you need to be looking out for if you want to avoid your Christmas being ruined. 

The first few things to remember are linked to online shopping. 

If you want to steer clear of credit card fraud, do not online shop on public wifi because you will be vulnerable. 

Alice added: “Don’t leave credit card details online. You can do this by making sure you never click yes to sites storing your credit card details.” 

If you see an advert online for something you want to buy, Alice also warned not to click on it and to open up a fresh new webpage and access the website that way. 

This Morning: The scams you need to avoid this ChristmasITV

The first few things to remember are linked to online shopping

You should also make sure when you are on a website you want to purchase something from it has the padlock symbol at the beginning of the URL- this means the website is secure. 

Also make sure the website is the brand’s official one. 

Alice warned social media scams are also rife at Christmas. 

She said: “There are many emails going round with pop ups or links and, for example, for claim to take you to pictures of yourself drunk from the Christmas party. 

“You then click on it and it ends up taking you to something dodgy. So avoid clicking on these.” 

E-cards can also be to blame for people getting scammed according to Alice. 

Alice said: “People get an e-card from someone they’re not expecting, they then end up downloading bad things onto their computer when they open it. 

“Make sure you download software that protects you.” 

Fake delivery notifications on people’s emails, from bodies such as the Post Office or a well known courier, are also flying about. 

Alice said people should never put in personal details from their passport, credit card or security numbers if asked in there. 

This Morning: The scams you need to avoid this ChristmasITV

Alice said social media scams are also rife at Christmas

If asked to make a donation to a charity at thinned of a transaction online, make sure the site doesn’t hold on to your details. 

While Alice says people shouldn’t be deterred from donating to charity, make sure you can opt out of them selling your details on to other charities. 

Fake goods should also be something people should be weary of. 

Alice said: “Avoid fake apple chargers as they can burn down your house. It’s not worth the £10 difference - if it’s a fiver it’s not genuine.

“Fake Ugg boots that are also going to fall apart say a lot about the person you’re giving to, and cheap perfume can be harmful to your skin.” 

More scams you should avoid can be found on the This Morning website. 

On This Morning yesterday, an 18-year-old girl revealed how she wants to sell her virginity in order to save her parents from being evicted form their home. 

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