Facebook Parent Portal launches today: Keep your children safe with new online hub

FACEBOOK’S Parent Portal has launched today and offers parents guides about how Facebook works, tips for talking to their children about staying safe online and helping them navigate their experience.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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Facebook Parent Portal launches today: Keep your children safe with new online hub

Every day, parents come to Facebook to share pictures of their kids, stay connected with family in different places, and ask for advice in groups. And for many parents, they also have questions about how Facebook works once their children join. 

Today, Sheryl Sandberg has launched the new Parent Portal with a video message offering advice on online safety. 

 The new Parent Portal has been designed in conjunction with, and will feature advice form, child safety experts including Childnet and Internet Matters. 

This is in addition to the new Safety Centre which was launched by Facebook in November, and it will be translated into more than 50 languages. 

Facebook Parent Portal launches today: Keep your children safe with new online hubFACEBOOK

Facebook: Sheryl Sandberg has launched the new Parent Portal

Carolyn Bunting, General Manager of Internet Matters, said: “Keeping children safe online is one of the biggest issues parents face in the digital age. The most important part is having frank and open conversations with young people about their online worlds and social media. 

“We’re pleased to be teaming up with Facebook and its new Parent’s Portal and hope in more parents can benefit from some simple, straightforward tips on everything from sharing safety to screen time.” 

Working with expert parters from around the world, Facebook has pulled together a few tips you might find useful as you figure out how to speak with your child about their online safety. 

Antigone Davis, Head of Global Safety, Facebook, said in a blog post published today: 

Facebook Parent Portal launches today: Keep your children safe with new online hubGETTY

Facebook has pulled together a few tips you might find useful

Technology has changed the ways in which people connect, but for families the basics of talking with children about safety remain the same.

Let your child know that the same rules apply online as apply offline

If it’s not something you want others to do to you, don’t do it to others. Just as you might tell your child to look both ways before crossing the street or to wear a helmet while riding their bike, teach them to think before they share online. 

Try to be a good role model

The adage that children will ‘do as you do, not as you say’ is as true online as it is offline. If you set time restrictions on when your child can use social media or be online (for example, no texting after 10pm), follow the same rules. 

Engage early

Data suggests that parents should engage online with their children as soon as they are on social media. Consider friending them when they join Facebook. Just as you lay the foundation early for dialogue and conversation offline with your children, you should lay that foundation early online. It gets harder to do so if you wait. Even before they are on social media, talk to them about technology as a whole. It can help lay the groundwork for future conversations. 

Facebook Parent Portal launches today: Keep your children safe with new online hubGETTY

This is in addition to the new Safety Centre which was launched by Facebook in November

Identify and seize key moments 

For example, when your child gets their first mobile phone, it’s good time to set ground rules. When your child turns 13 years old and is old enough to join Facebook and other social media, it’s a good time to talk about safe sharing. When your child gets a driver’s license, it’s a good time to discuss the importance of not texting and driving. 

Trust yourself

Typically, you can adopt the same parenting style for your child’s online activities as you do for their offline activities. If you find that your child responds best to a negotiated agreement, create a contract that you can both sign. Or, maybe your child just needs to know the basic rules. 

Ask your children to teach you 

Not on Facebook? Or, maybe you’re interested in trying a streaming music service? If your children are already familiar with these apps and sites, they can be an excellent resource. The conversation can also serve as an opportunity to talk about issues of safety, privacy and security. For example, you can ask them questions about privacy setting as you set up your own Facebook account. And, as most parents know all too well, your child will likely appreciate the opportunity to teach you. 

While the list is only a starting point and may not exactly fit the needs of your family - the important thing is tat you’re having the conversation. 

A Facebook 'Year in Review glitch could be wreaking havoc with your timeline.

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