REVEALED: Not changing your bed sheets on a weekly basis can put you at risk of THIS

HOW OFTEN should you change your bed sheets? Experts say not changing them on a weekly basis can put you at risk of not just a bad night’s sleep, but a development of infections and skin problems.

By Katrina Turrill , Health Editor based in London, specialising in breaking news, common health conditions, real life stories, and diet and exercise

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Bed sheet hygiene: 42 per cent of Brits change their sheets on a weekly basis

Every night we are at risk of sleeping with invisible and living bacteria, and around 22 per cent of Brits are having a bad night’s sleep because of it, according to new research. 

A survey carried out by on 1,700 respondents investigated how aware people are of maintaining bed hygiene standards. 

It was discovered only 42 per cent of individuals claimed to change their sheets on a weekly basis. 

A further 36 per cent of people change their bed every two to three weeks, while almost 14 per cent claimed they cleaned their sheets just monthly or even less. 

Why cleaning your PILLOWS protects you from dust mites

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Bed sheet hygiene: 36 per cent change their sheets every two to three weeks

Ensuring your bedding and mattress are cleaned routinely, will avoid a build up of skin cells and fluids, amongst an abundance of bacteria related threats.

However, it is not only our sheets that need changing, many are unaware that they must clean their duvet and pillow too. 

The survey highlighted that 88 per cent of people do not wash their duvet and pillows at the recommended amount of every two to three months. 

An additional 93 per cent of people were unaware we should clean our mattresses four times a year. 

Analysis highlighted that this was largely due to an assumption that changing the sheets was enough, unaware of the hygiene risks presented from not washing your mattress and bedding. 

A mattress should additionally be changed every seven years - in our lifetime, they could be exposed to a whopping five stones worth of dead skin. 

Not maintaining a clean bed puts people at risk of developing nasty infections and viruses, with exposure to dead skin, perspiration and a build-up of fluid. 

Health issues individuals could be at risk of are acne and oily skin, induced asthma symptoms as well as heightened flu symptoms, in more serious cases leading to pneumonia. 

Overall the survey underlined the importance of changing our bedding, with 76 per cent admitting they have a noticeably better night sleep on the day they change their sheets. 

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Bed sheet hygiene:14 per cent of people change them monthly

Filip Mijatov, Managing Director of commented on the statistics, highlighting the importance of mattress hygiene. 

He said: “It is vital for health purposes to maintain a clean mattress. Ensuring your bedding and mattress are cleaned routinely, will avoid a build up of skin cells and fluids, amongst an abundance of bacteria related threats. 

“The survey ultimately highlights the importance of making people aware of the health benefits of a well-maintained bed, in relation to the risks presented with one that is not.”

Consumer journalist Alice Beer revealed up to a third of pillows contain dead skin, dust mites and faeces on This Morning. 

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