Two-year-old girl becomes YOUNGEST person to be cryogenically FROZEN

THE distraught parents of a two-year-old cancer sufferer have FROZEN their daughter in the hopes that science will one day be able to revive her and allow her to live a healthy life.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

The Thai toddler is believed to be the youngest person to be cryogenically frozenFACEBOOK•ALCOR

The Thai toddler is believed to be the youngest person to be cryogenically frozen

Matheryn Naovaratpong has become the youngest person to be cryogenically frozen.

She is being held in the Alcor Life Extension facility in Arizona, with a body temperature of -196C.

This is her story.

Matheryn was just two years and two months old when she unexpectedly fell into a coma.

Her anxious parents took her to hospital, where doctors discovered a four-and-a-half inch tumour swelling in the left-half of her brain.

The Thai toddler was diagnosed with Ependymoma – a slow-growing cancer with a five-year survival rate of just 30 per cent.

Matheryn was rushed into surgery on April 14 2014.

Surgeons at the Bangkok hospital bored into the skull to relieve the increased pressure on the brain. Half of the Ependymoma tumour was then removed.

Matheryn awoke from her coma a week after the surgery.

Matheryn Naovaratpong was just two years and two months old when doctors discovered the tumour FACEBOOK

Matheryn Naovaratpong was just two years and two months old when doctors discovered the tumour

But the cancer spread.

Over the following year, the toddler would undergo a further 12 operations on her brain, 20 chemotherapy sessions and 20 bouts of radiation therapy.

Young Matheryn lost 80 per cent of the left hemisphere of her brain over the course of these invasive procedures.

This resulted in the right side of her body becoming paralysed by November 2014.

Dr. Sahatorn Naovaratpong told VICE: "We realised it was the end.

"We had to prepare to say goodbye.

"Among family and relatives, we played and held her before we relieved her from the life support system, released her heavy load off her shoulder at 18:18."

Matheryn died on January 8 2015 after her parents made the decision to switch off her life support.

The toddler underwent some 12 operations on her brainFACEBOOK

The toddler underwent some 12 operations on her brain

After her death, Matheryn's parents and her doctors decided to employ the services of US life-extension nonprofit, Alcor.

The centre, which is based in Scottsdale, Arizona, currently holds 134 patients frozen at -196C in liquid nitrogen.

Amongst the patients are US baseball star Ted Williams and his John Henry Williams.

“The family learned about Alcor on the internet,” Marji Kilma, an Alcor spokesperson told VICE. 

"They were both doctors. After they did 11 surgeries, when they realised that she wasn’t going to be able to pull through, they contacted us.”

Alcor surgeons prepare a patient to be cryogenically frozen ALCOR

Alcor surgeons prepare a patient to be cryogenically frozen

To see a frozen head in a box might have raised a number of red flags. In the US that’s not a big deal, but there, they may not be accustomed

Aaron Drake

Alcor Life Extension Foundation's Medical Response Director, Aaron Drake described the procedure: "Typically we’d move the head from the trunk of the body.

"We didn’t know what their reaction would be from the family, the mortuary, from border officials; this has to go through a number of shipping venues, customs, the TSA and so on.

"To see a frozen head in a box might have raised a number of red flags. In the US that’s not a big deal, but there, they may not be accustomed.

"After the US Embassy in Thailand approved the shipment, the container was topped off with dry ice and shipped by airline to LAX for customs approval."

During the procedure, the patient is laid on an ice bed – coating the body in freezing materials before restarting the heart with a ‘heart-lung-resuscitator’.

More than a dozen different medications are administered before the cryopatient’s blood is drained from the body.

Surgeons then fill the veins with medical-grade antifreeze – replacing the drained blood.

Then the body’s temperature is gradually lowered by 1C every hour.

It takes two weeks for the patient to reach -196C.

Matheryn's parents have reportedly since signed up to Alcor as members, so that they can be revived with their daughter and "breathe again when the technology is provided".

Neurocryopreservation at Alcor costs $80,000 (around £53,260).

Those hoping to have their entire body frozen will have to pay a staggering $220,000 – some £146,500.

Alcor has in the past been accused of a number of malpractices in the past – including allegations a member of staff used a hammer and chisel to separate a frozen patent's head from their body.

The Arizona company has denied the allegations and filed a lawsuit against the employee in question.

Alcor membership rules state: "Alcor must be designated not only as the beneficiary of the life insurance policy, but also as its owner. 

"This guarantees that the beneficiary cannot be changed without our knowledge, and we will be informed if the premium is unpaid. 

"Alcor will provide a written guarantee that it will surrender its ownership status if you choose to abandon your cryonics arrangements or move to a different organisation."

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