Can't put down your smartphone? You're at risk of becoming an online STALKER, warn experts

CYBERSTALKING has been linked to the amount of time spent on a smartphone or browsing social media, experts have revealed.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Stalking online has been linked to the amount of time spent on a smartphone or browsing social media GETTY•PICTURE POSED BY MODEL

Stalking online has been linked to the amount of time spent on a smartphone or browsing social media

People who spend a lot of time online increasingly lose touch with the real world – and become those most likely to stalk others, according to Dr Emma Short, director of the National Centre for Cyberstalking Research (NCCR).

The ability to form healthy relationships away from the screen "shrivels" when people spend too much time focusing on their social media profiles, Dr Short added.

The more your offline social world shrivels the more likely you are to become fixated with online relationships

Dr Emma Short

It is these people who are most likely to engage in stalking behaviour and bombard friends – or strangers – with messages and attention.

Dr Short is one of the co-authors of a new ebook, A Practical Guide To Coping With Cyberstalking, which has been released to coincide with National Stalking Awareness Week, which begins today.

The book reveals that in half of online stalking cases – the victim will never discover the identity of their stalker.

This is because the person silently obsessing behind the screen is much more likely to be a complete stranger than in real-world stalking when the victim often knows the offender.

Psychologist Dr Short reveals: "It [stalking] can be a consequence of internet addiction, so your cyberstalker's ability to form normal healthy relationships is compromised.

"If you are spending all your time online, your relationships largely become online. 

"That bit of your life starts breaking down and you become more invested in online relationships and more likely to become fixated on those."

Real-world relationships are impacted by the amount of time spent online, experts have warned GETTY

Real-world relationships are impacted by the amount of time spent online, experts have warned

The book seeks to provide help and advice for potential and past victims, saying that many suffer lasting psychological harm.

It claims more than a third (35 per cent) suffer post-traumatic stress disorder, a problem most often associated with battle-worn soldiers returning from war zones.

Writers who contributed to the NCCR ebook include psychologists, computer science experts and police officers.

It includes a chapter written by Dr Short and Professor Jim Barnes on "problem internet behaviours" that can lead to online stalker activities.

It talks about how relationships, work and daily life can be adversely affected by "compulsive internet usage" that means they don't strike the right balance between being online and the other parts of their lives.

Dr Short added that many people often go online to escape real-world problems, like anxiety, depression and stress.

She said: "You have this lack of social support and again, we know with stalkers generally the more wounded they become in terms of loss of social connection, social support, job – because if you keep breaching injunctions you lose your job, you lose everything - and the more you lose the more dangerous you become.

"It is the same with social support, the more your offline social world shrivels the more likely you are to become fixated with online relationships."

Last week, laws targeting so-called "revenge porn" came into force, with those who share sexually explicit images without consent facing a jail term of up to two years.

Prosecutors previously had to find evidence of harassment or copyright infringement when seeking to take someone to court.

Dr Short added: "Where there is sadism, where people actually are trawling sites to look at people who are frightened or hurt, or have been involved in non-consensual pornography, which is really what revenge porn is, it is likely those sites will attract people who are potentially more dangerous but who may only be enacting one aspect of their personality. Those are the places where a greater understanding of how to assess risk is necessary."

The book includes a chapter written by Detective Superintendent Jon Gilbert, Bedfordshire Police's cybercrime lead and Sergeant Phil Cobley, manager of its High Tech Crime Unit, on how police react to complaints of cyberstalking.

  • The ebook – A Practical Guide To Coping With Cyberstalking – will be available online tomorrow.

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