MELTDOWN: Could the LEAP SECOND break the Internet tonight?

TONIGHT a leap second will increase the number of seconds in Tuesday 30th from 86,400 to 86,401.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Tonight, all the clocks around the world will be put forward at exactly the same second GETTY

Tonight, all the clocks around the world will be put forward at exactly the same second

But could this additional digit could trigger CHAOS for the complex computer systems we rely on across the World?

The last leap second – which was added in 2012 – temporarily disrupted a number of high-profile websites including Mozilla, Reddit, Gawker, LinkedIn, FourSquare and Yelp.

In Australia, more than 400 Quantas flights were delayed as staff were forced to switch to manual check-ins.

It's a major interruption mostly because there are a lot of systems that aren't prepared to handle the leap second correctly

Professor Judah Levine

Computer programmers try to take account of leap seconds but many systems could be caught out, warns atomic clock expert Professor Judah Levine, from the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (Nist) in Boulder, Colorado.

He told National Geographic magazine: "It's a major interruption mostly because there are a lot of systems that aren't prepared to handle the leap second correctly."

US Stock Markets will close early today to allow computers and other electrical systems time to prepare for the change.

There are currently 46 billion US dollars of stocks traded every second around the world – which is why they are so nervous about the vulnerability of the computer systems.

The leap second is being added to the world's clocks to adjust for the inaccuracy of the spinning Earth.

Before the invention of super-accurate atomic clocks, time was based on the Earth's rotation – one complete turn taking 24 hours.

Now a plethora of time-sensitive systems, including computer programmes and financial markets, rely on the precise ticking of atomic clocks that measure the energy transitions of atoms.

The problem is that due to the moon's gravity the Earth is slowing down, and not in a regular way. 

So every now and then a leap second is added to allow astronomical time to catch up with atomic time. 

It is similar to the introduction of leap years keep our calendars lined up with the Earth's orbit around the Sun.

Tomorrow's leap second will be the 26th.

The exact time at which the leap second will be added to clocks in the UK is 00:59:60 - in other words, at 1am on Wednesday morning.

The date of the next leap second is not known. 

They cannot be calculated any further in advance than six months, due to the inconsistent behaviour of the Earth's rotations. 

Leap seconds are ordered by the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service in Paris.

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