Can this Facebook app correctly guess YOUR age, sex, job and dream partner?

APPLY Special Sauce is a hilarious app that can determine your age, occupation, intelligence and dream partner simply based on your FaceBook likes.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

The University of Cambridge app crunches your Likes on Facebook to guess some intimate details on your lifeGETTY

The University of Cambridge app crunches your Likes on Facebook to guess some pretty intimate details

Apply Special Sauce is a new app that’s taking the internet by storm.

The slightly disconcerting app works by comparing your Likes on immensely popular social network Facebook against those of millions of other people.

Apply Special Sauce was built by a group of University of Cambridge researchers, who have built a vast internal databased from tens of thousands of personality tests and some six million social media profiles to analyse your “digital footprint.”

The app can guess your gender, intelligence, sexual, political and religious preferences, life satisfaction, education and relationship status.

If you find this Facebook analysing tool a little creepy – you should the unnerving gadget announced by Samsung at the IFA consumer electronics show.

Apply Special Sauce, which is only using information on your Facebook Likes, hints at just how much information Facebook has at its fingertips.

Facebook uses a range of data, including profile information and Likes to curate the social networks’ News Feed and pick the stories it thinks best suited to you.

The Californian technology firm recently started tracking the amount of time spent lingering on a Facebook post to its News Feed algorithms.

In other words, if you linger on your old school friend’s latest photo post, you can expect to see a lot more from them in future.

Apply Special Sauce is a free service that primarily been built to showcase your the University of Cambridge’s ability to crunch datasets.

Although you have to sign-in with Facebook to take the test, the service claims it will only look at the Liked pages associated with your account.

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