Something is different with EVERY Facebook status (and fans don't like it)

FACEBOOK fans noticed a tweak to their News Feeds over the last week, as the world's most popular social network appeared to flirt with the idea of a new default font.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Facebook has pushed-out a subtle change to its users, and some were less than pleasedGETTY

Facebook has pushed-out a subtle change to its users, and some were less than pleased

Facebook has used Helvetica as its default font for years, but that could be about to change.

The California-based social network has tested out a new, thinner font for its desktop users, called Geneva.

Helvetica is one of the most popular typefaces of the 20th Century. 

Unusually, the finish of every stroke ends with a horizontal or vertical line. This gives the font its unusually tight spacing, which can give paragraphs of text a dense, or compact feel.

It seems like facebook just did something to the font on desktop, and it's super ugly at my end. Do not want

According to reports, Facebook is swapping out Helvetica for Geneva in users' status posts.

And Facebook fans were not always happy about the change.

"Facebook's new font is just different enough to really make my eyes and head hurt in trying to reconcile it with the old font," one user tweeted as the change rolled out.

Another user posted: "It seems like @facebook just did something to the font on desktop, and it's super ugly at my end. Do not want."

One Facebook fan tweeted: "the subtle font change on facebook is really f****** me up."

Geneva was first designed for Apple, and is one of the oldest fonts shipped with the Macintosh operating system.

Because it was designed for Apple's owns desktop operating system, the font is not widely available on other platforms and is often substituted with similar fonts, like Verdana, Microsoft Sans Serif or Arial.

The change on Facebook appears to only be visible to desktop users for the time being.

The change on Facebook appears to only be visible to desktop users for the time beingGETTY

The change on Facebook appears to only be visible to desktop users for the time being

Whether the Apple font becomes the new default across the web remains to be seen, but will keep you updated about any confirmed changes.

However it is not usual for websites and social networks to push-out new features to test on a small subsection of its users.

Google recently rolled-out , in a test that barely lasted a day.

How to share with just friends on Facebook

Facebook CEO  during a live broadcast from the US company's headquarters.

"You might have seen some stuff in there that we're just playing around with and testing," Mr Zuckerberg told the camera after the Facebook Live demo.

"Not everything there's gonna launch," he added "Some of it will over time."

Facebook  for conducting .

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