Facebook is making a MAJOR change and it could keep embarrassing posts off your Timeline

FACEBOOK is making a change to how it handles embarrassing pictures and posts on your Timeline and News Feed.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Facebook has built a new News Feed-only option for your photos, videos and postsGETTY

Facebook has built a new News Feed-only option for your photos, videos and posts

Facebook could be about to implement a new News Feed-only option for users looking to share on the social network.

Until now, pictures, videos and posts shared on the social network will automatically be archived to your Timeline, the stream on your profile where every one of your own posts, posts from friends and stories you're tagged is organised by date.

Content can be removed from your timeline (if your friends tag you in a photo you'd rather forget, or include you in a post you don't agree with) but it takes a few additional clicks.

To remove or hide a post from your profile's Timeline, you need to small down-facing arrow symbol in the corner in the post, then choose either Delete or Hide from Timeline.

Hide from Timeline removes the story from your Timeline, but not Facebook. Whereas Delete removes the story from Facebook entirely.

Facebook wants to make things a little easier.

Some users have noticed a new Hide From Your Timeline option that appears whenever they post to the US social network.

This lets you decide whether or not you want your current activity to be archived on your Timeline as soon as you post online.

Some Facebook users are already able to use the new Hide on Timeline optionFACEBOOK • TWITTER • MATT NAVARRA

Some Facebook users are already able to use the new Hide on Timeline option

Discussing the feature, which is currently being trialled on a handful of users, Facebook told Engadget: "The Timeline on your profile is a great place to see a comprehensive history of your Facebook posts. 

"We've heard feedback that sometimes, you may want to share a post with friends and family via News Feed and not have that post be displayed on your Timeline.

"The ability to hide a post from your Timeline already exists, and today we're testing a feature that would make it even easier to control where your posts live by giving you the option to publish a post only to News Feed and not to your Timeline."

It's import to note that all of your Facebook activity will be available via the powerful search options – regardless of whether or not it appears on your Timeline.

After all, , statuses, events, community pages and more.

You can also perform complex searches with multiple criteria to whittle-down specific photos, events, restaurants, bands, friends or more.

For example,  or relationship status. Or both.

Facebook then lets you search for photos uploaded by single or married friends in a specific location.

Express.co.uk has unearthed .

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