Amazon Echo Review - If you're not convinced, it's only because you haven't tried it yet

4 / 5 stars
Amazon Echo

AMAZON ECHO is a revolutionary smart speaker that lets you order a takeaway, listen to a podcast, and turn off the lights with your voice. It’s not perfect, but it is awesome.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Amazon Echo has arrived in the UK, and it is pretty awesomeGETTY

Amazon Echo has arrived in the UK, and it is pretty awesome
  • Pros – Phenomenally Accurate Voice Recognition, Incredibly Useful, Works With Other Smart Home Devices
  • Cons – Not The Best Sound Quality, Feels A Bit Limited At Launch

Amazon Echo has finally arrived in the UK.

The voice-activated speaker debuted as an Amazon Prime exclusive in the United States back in November 2014, where it was widely well-received.

Two years on, Amazon has finally decided to bring the hands-free speaker to the UK. 

In a nutshell, the Amazon Echo is a 360-degree omni-directional speaker, powered by a cloud-based virtual assistant called “Alexa”. 

Talking to this virtual assistant lets you play music, check the latest headlines and sport scores, weather and traffic conditions, with a quick voice command.

Amazon Echo introduces the new Echo speaker

Amazon says it was inspired to build its all-knowing assistant Alexa after watching Star Trek, where crew members could summon the Enterprise’s onboard computer from anywhere on the ship – allowing them to quickly access the information they needed.

Amazon Echo almost manages to make that science-fiction concept a reality.

However, for our money, the hands-free speaker is more reminiscent of Hal 9000 – the omnipresent and conniving computer from Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey than the one aboard the Enterprise. has been putting the Echo through its paces since its UK launch, here’s our definitive verdict on Amazon’s first smart home appliance.

Amazon Echo is available in Black and White at launchGETTY

Amazon Echo is available in Black and White at launch

The Amazon Echo is the first device to successfully make the case that voice-activated appliances are the future.  

Carefully enunciating to Siri is almost always more hassle than unlocking the iPhone and performing the task yourself, and dictating a Google search in Chrome instead of typing on the keyboard only feels like a sure-fire way to humiliate yourself in the office.

But talking to Alexa – the cloud-based assistant that gives the Amazon Echo its smarts – feels completely natural. 

Echo is triggered with the wake word “Alexa”.

As soon as the speaker hears that word – the ring of lights around the top of the device turn blue and the Echo will start streaming your request to the cloud, where the servers try to make sense of your command.

The more you use the Echo, the more the cloud-powered speaker will learn to recognise the patterns in your speech, vocabulary and your preferences.

But even fresh out of the box, the Amazon Echo rarely mishears.

Granted, it’s not the best sounding speaker on the market at its price point EXPRESS NEWSPAPERS

Granted, it’s not the best sounding speaker on the market at its price point

The far-field voice recognition technology built into the Echo is eerily accurate and inspires a level of trust many other voice-enabled gadgets cannot match.

That’s incredibly important with a device like Echo.

With the Echo at full volume, it struggled to hear my next voice command. But that’s understandable – I could barely hear myself think either

Unlike Siri or Google Now, where users can see the machine transcribing your voice command while you’re talking, there is no display on the Amazon speaker. You have to trust the Echo is hearing you correctly and not ordering the wrong takeaway, or setting your thermostat to the wrong temperature.

In our time with the device, that rarely happened.

However, if the Amazon Echo is playing music at full volume it struggles to hear your next command. But that’s understandable – with the speaker turned up to 11, I could barely hear myself think either.

The audio quality of the in-built speaker in the Amazon Echo is good, but nothing to write home about. 

Bluetooth speakers at a similar price point – like the excellent UE Boom 2 – offer a better audio experience than the Echo, albeit without the smarts.

Considering the Echo is designed to fill your room with sound, it's a shame the speaker does not a little sound better.

If Alexa can't hear you, there is a button at the top of the smart speaker that summons herEXPRESS NEWSPAPERS

If Alexa can't hear you, there is a button at the top of the smart speaker that summons her

Audiophiles would be better to check-out the Echo Dot – which brings Alexa to any third-party speaker via a 3.5mm audio cable.

Setting up the Amazon Echo is a cinch. 

You’ll need a smartphone with the companion Alexa app to connect the Echo to your home Wi-Fi network. There’s a simple step-by-step walkthrough that’ll guide you through the process and help you learn how to use the device.

At launch, Amazon says there are around 3,000 different functions Alexa can perform – from playing tracks from Spotify or Prime Music, tuning into radio stations, ordering a taxi via Uber, and more.

Some of these are preinstalled, like TuneIn Radio and Spotify support, others need to be added via the Skills tab in the Alexa companion smartphone app.

Unfortunately, the Skills panel in the iOS app is a real mess.

Navigating around the app is a little clunky (each time you swipe back to the main menu from an app listing, it’ll jump to the top of the menu) and the charts are clogged with bucketloads of junky apps with no customer ratings that you’ll never actually want to enable on your Amazon Echo speaker. 

Granted, there are some gems in the Skills Store if you are willing to dig deep enough, including JustEat, Tube Status, and Hive.

But while there may be 3,000 Skills available at launch. There are definitely not 3,000 high-quality, must-have Skills available for your new Echo.

Hopefully that will change over time as more UK developers get to grips with the opportunities afforded by the Amazon Echo.

For now, the Echo is a little limited.

Amazon Echo is a little limited, and could do with a few more killer appsEXPRESS NEWSPAPERS

Amazon Echo is a little limited, and could do with a few more killer apps

Asking Alexa to play a chosen radio station, or shuffle songs by a certain artist on Prime Music, is incredibly convenient – and good fun. 

Adding items to a To Do list before you forget to write it down is phenomenally useful, as is the ability to quickly set timers and alarms.

Echo is also able to read-out the latest headlines from a number of news outlets, warn you about the traffic on your usual commute, and answer any quick queries you have – like “How old is Rick Astley?” or “How tall is Mount Everest?”

If you are kitted-out with smart and home automation devices, the Echo adds an entirely-new level of functionality to your household. 

Philips Hue lightbulbs, Hive thermostats and Netatmo security cameras are all compatible with the Amazon Echo at launch.

But those with good old fashioned manual light switches might find the Amazon Echo functionality a little less revolutionary. 

You'll need to remember the exact commands for each of these functions.

Alexa needs you to be specific – “Ask Uber to order a taxi” rather than simply “Call me a cab”.


Final Verdict

If you are unconvinced by the Amazon Echo, it’s only because you haven’t tried living with it in your kitchen or living room.

Echo is a marvellous addition to your home.

The voice recognition is breathtakingly accurate and as soon as you are used to requesting songs, skipping tracks, or switching between radio stations with your voice – every other Bluetooth speaker feels positively antiquated.

Granted, it’s not the best sounding speaker on the market at its price point. But it is the only one that feels truly revolutionary.

For £149.99, it might be a little pricey for some. At launch, the Amazon Echo does feel a little limited – especially if your home is not already plumbed with smart thermostats, wifi-enabled lightbulbs, and more.

You’ll also need an Amazon Prime or Spotify subscription to be able to shout song requests at the Echo – one of our favourite features.

The Echo shows enormous promise, and will only get better as more UK-based developers start to develop for the new hands-free speaker.

For now, it’s an immensely cool toy.

But in the future, as more and more home accessories become wifi-enabled and apps hit the Skills Store, it could easily become the indispensable, omniscient, talkative computer that Amazon wants it to be.

Just don’t ask it to open the Pod Bay doors. I’m afraid it can't do that, Dave.

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